Bearer of Thy Oath (IV)

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(A/N: Aish.... so much to learn! Very informative chapter that includes a lot of names.... not all are necessary to remember and are only to set the background story for our dear MC.)

Ains had arrived in this world a hundred and seventy years ago. When he first entered, he was given an option of increasing the difficulty at the price of not receiving the plot line. Just how difficult was it going to be upgraded? From a B class world to an S class world.

Ains looked at the difference in points and decided to accept the offer. From 1,750 points to 175,000 points it was clearly 100x. Other than losing the advantage of the plot, Ains saw that there was nothing else to lose. He would still gain the memories of the vessel he inhabited.

The tasks given in this world was:

{Main Task:

1. Stop his brethen from becoming undone. - 87,500 points

2. Make sure the kin of Solomon lives. - 87,500 points

Total: 175,000 points

Side Mission:

1. Creation of the thirteen apostles. - 100,000 points

2. Arrive in New York. - 60,000 points}

When he first opened his eyes the first time he was standing at the the gates of Eden. His golden eyes showed puzzlement at what he saw. It was a breathtaking view of the high golden gates surrounded by an ocean of soft fluffy looking clouds. There was no sun in view but the sky was illuminated and reminded him of the blue skies on Earth, or what the angels called it, the 'mortal realm'.

Thankfully no one was around him and so he could go over his memories.

His name was Uriel, son of God. An archangel and a cherub. A chieftain of war and blessed with the good graces of guarding the utopia, Eden. An archangel stood high above the tresses of the denizens of heaven and were held in high regards.

Besides him there were seven other main archangels:

Lucifer, meaning 'lightbringer'. Uriel's fallen brother who had refused to bow down to mankind. A lesser being in which he saw to be inferior to their kind. He was the very first archangel and their Father's first creation. He was indeed the most beloved, beautiful, and glorious archangel. He was cast out of Heaven and thrown to guard over the souls of the damn in Hell.

Mikael, meaning 'who is like God' in Hebrew. The second oldest and he's the current highest ranking archangel under their Father. He fought against Lucifer and won, banishing his brother to his fate. He's also known as 'God's Favorite' and wields the 'Lance of Mikael' in which he used to defeat Lucifer. Holds power over the fourth realm in Heaven, Maon.

Gabriel, meaning 'God is my strong man'. He's known as 'God's messenger' and accounted for one of the six angels of death. He guards Araphel, the first realm in heaven. The area also known as the abode of Adam and Eve,

Azrael, meaning 'Angel of God'. He's the archangel of death and retribution, he's dubbed the 'grim reaper'.

Raphael, meaning 'God Heals'. He's God's strongest healer in Heaven's realm. He governs over Raqia with Zachariel, the second realm.

Uriel, meaning 'light of God' or 'fire of God'. The wielder of the fiery sword, Katharsi. Guardian of the gates of Eden, the one who drove Adam and Eve out of Eden. He's known for terror, prophecy, and mystery and for being the ender of Sennacherib*.

(A/N: Sennacherib - Name of a King of Assyria, did a lot of military campaigns to spread their grasp on the land.)

Samael, meaning 'Venom of God'. He is the accuser, seducer, and destroyer but he's still an angel. He reigns over the fifth realm, Makhon.

Raguel, meaning 'laudation of God'. Archangel of justice and fairness.

Zadkiel, meaning 'Righteousness of God'. He's the archangel of freedom, benevolence, and mercy. Governor of Zebul, the sixth realm of heaven.

Barachiel, meaning 'blessed by God'. Guardian of God's throne and leader of all the guardian angels. A seraphim.

There were originally eight of them, but since the fall of Lucifer there are only seven of them left. They all reside in Aravoth, even though some of their duties are else where as it's closest to their Father. There are other archangels, but they were not the original eight and do not hold seniority over them.

Since the condemnation of the previous Solomon's kin, the Seal of Solomon was placed in heaven and was heavily guarded. Until two days ago, when it suddenly disappeared. Even with all the protection and magic placed around it, the Seal of Solomon had found a way out.

Uriel had been extra careful all these years paying attention to everything that was happening around him. Not knowing what is going to happen can be quite disadvantageous and unfavorable, thankfully he has Bao Bao to help keep an eye out.

For one hundred and seventy years, he has worked and looked for his lover but found no signs of him. He saw how the world had changed and he was directly involved in the calamity that happened eighty years ago.

Currently, he was roaming around the streets of New York. His beautiful wings were extended once again, because of his natural angelic powers he was invisible to the humans. Though humans could not see them, demons could. After all they were 'natural' enemies, as demons leave trails of where they had been. Angels also leave faint trails but instead of cold and icy feelings, it was a pure feeling fragments that were left behind.

His eyesight was very keen and could detect things from a very far distance. He quickly scanned the area as he flew, making sure not to leave any stones unturned.

His sensors caught onto something that did not quite belong on this plane. Exactly at that moment, Bao Bao notified Uriel of a hidden mission.

{Trace the aura trails left from the greater demons. - 105,000 points}

Seeing the black specks that floated in the air, Uriel quickly changed direction and followed it. Soon he arrived at a large school ground. A stone and metal gate with the words, 'Silver Ridge High School of Excellence'.

Chasing after it's dissipating trail, Uriel soon came upon a dormitory. He barged his way inside the building, when he came upon four glowing purple eyes dressed in human clothes. Even though they look human and concealed themselves quite well, Uriel's eyes can see through the human parts and dig out the demonic portion. Lower leveled angels would've overlooked the two of them.

Astaroth scoffed, "And I was wondering who gave off that too holy force that made me feel sick. It turned out to be you, Uriel. Even if you changed your looks, you cannot change the colors of your wings. Or the look your eyes has."

Uriel narrowed his eyes, "Astaroth, duke of the netherworld."

He moved his eyes over to the other demon, "And... Sitri, Great Prince of Hell that holds over sixty legions of the demons. What brings you to the mortal realm?"

Uriel's voice was emotionless and made them shiver subconsciously.

Astaroth rolled his eyes and bared his fangs, "We could say the same to you.... U.R.I.E.L."

He wasn't scared of Uriel's power. Although it was greater than his with the combined power of him and Sitri, they might be able to take him on.

Uriel remained unfazed by his attempt to provoke him, "Synkrato*, Astaroth. I can send you back to Tartarus if you want."

(A/N: Synkrato - 'Restrain' in Greek.)

His feet finally touched the ground, "I assume you've found the Seal of Solomon, if you two stayed here for that long."

Astaroth's aura suddenly burst forth and his eyes zeroed in on Uriel. It covered every inch of the room and leaked out of the room. Just as the tension was about to snap. A lavender blue figure flashed and crashed into Uriel's chest.

A meek voice called out from his chest, "I finally found you."

(A/N: OMG SO MUCH RESEARCHING. I think I had finally fried my brain.... Holy sh*t. orz.... Recharging mode now~ Beep Beep.)

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