Bearer of Thy Oath (VIII)

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It was the next morning and Adriel and the others were preparing for school. There was only three people that stepped out of their room. The only missing person? Uriel.

After his disappearance yesterday, he had yet to return. It wasn't only Adriel that was gloomy, but also Sitri at his sudden disappearance.

Adriel had waited up the entire night in case Uriel came back. He would comb through his memories and brush his fingers over the single red feather deep in thought. But there was no sign of him when the early morning came.

It was only in the afternoon, that Uriel had returned. He had missed more than half the day and before was only present at the end of the day. The day ended as if nothing had ever happened. The other humans hadn't even notice his absence nor his return.

Sitri wanted to talk to Uriel, but he was either ignored or brushed off. He became more hurt as Uriel disengaged from him every time. But it only fueled him even more and he continued to chase after Uriel. He wanted to be by Uriel's side. He wanted him to acknowledge him. The foreboding nightmare of desolation and being alone lingered within his chest.

This went on for months. It made those two incredibly angry and irritable, making it hard to approach the two. Adriel tried many times to talk with Uriel but he had completely shut them out. He would often try and bind Uriel with magic to hold him back, but it would always crumble.

Magic from the past and magic from now were very different. While the magic of the past's incantations were much longer, the magic of today was much shorter. This made them quicker while more effective. As eons pass, it gave time for one to decipher the ancient magic circles and be able to break it.

Uriel was one of such that analyzed the structure of the incantations. He took out what was unnecessary, while keeping the key terms. What would take twelve or fifteen seconds, now only took five to six seconds. Not many were able to deduce the true phrases and were still using the old magic.

Adriel was still rather new on the current magic concept. Even with his knowledge, the best way of knowing the effects were through actual experience. So of course there was room for failures and correction along the way.

It has been half a year since Uriel had found 'Solomon'. In the back courtyard, there's a vast garden filled with flowers everywhere. Uriel was standing in the midst of the field, the thirteen apostles stood gracefully before him. Everyone was in their true forms. Their beautiful crimson(s) wing was outstretched, showcasing their dazzling rows of feathers.

Wearing gold armors and white inner armor, they looked to be prepared to go into battle.

They answered to Uriel, ""Understood.""

Six of them remained and the other seven left with Uriel. The ones who stayed where Adam, Mo Yan, Huang Yan, Cai Neng, Kizuna, and Fu Bai remained. Pan Duan, Le Qu, Yu Wang, Lian Min, Meng Xiang, Xiang Wang, and You Hou* left with Uriel.

As much as Uriel had wanted to stay and overwatch, there was a change of plans. It seemed that his beloved 'brethren' had started making their move. Like in a game of chess, one must carefully observe how the other holds and places their pieces. Study it and understand their methods. By doing so, you will be able to take them out more efficient and easily.

Uriel was gone. He didn't say a word to anyone else but to his apostles.

One day went by with his absence. Then it turned to two. By the time they wrapped their minds around the fact that Uriel was gone, time had trickled by and it had already been almost two week since they've seen a glimpse of his shadow.

Sitri had changed, he was now quiet and calm but it was too calm. It was quite scary just how calm he was. Astaroth didn't dare to tease Sitri since that day his demeanor changed. It was almost as if there was going to be a big storm brewing and the next time they saw each other, a destructive explosion was going to take place.

Adriel's situation wasn't any better. He was moody and to relieve his vexation, he brought it out to demons underneath his commands. They all cried inside as this Solomon was like a devil himself. He tested the newer magic spells on them, they were his practice targets. They all wondered where the Solomon they knew went to.

With the Key of Lemegeton, he had his hands over the demons. With the Greater Key, he has the higher arts that starts the transcendence to the heavenly realm. Without any obstructions, Adriel had an army of demons under his control.

His strongest demon were Marquis Amon and King Beleth. Amon was the governor of forty infernal regions and he was ranked seventh amongst the seventh two pillars. Then Beleth, he was ranked thirteenth in the seventy two pillars, just right below Sitri. He held eighty five legions of demons under him.

Adriel left Sitri alone, but didn't want Astaroth under his command, as it would mean that he'll be near his Uriel. He and Sitri bonded with each other, and their minds tend to aline with each other. They understand each other very easily and didn't have to talk much to cooperate with each other.

His demonic army had integrated themselves into the human society perfectly. True to their capricious nature, they caused some minor problems to those who welcomed and called out to them. They had radar like sensors that could point out what drew them towards humans, those whose heart was black.

Adriel seemed to like to cause trouble for the apostles. He had a hunch that they knew where their creator was, but they kept their mouths sealed. Even though there were some skirmishes with the remaining apostles and the demons, they were usually resolved within an hour of happening.

No matter how much they were reproached or taunted, they were well disciplined and trained. For they didn't even bat an eye, they only restored peace and did their duties.

Adriel had sent out the smaller minions from his legion to gather information about any supernatural events happening. Trying to find any traces of his Uriel anywhere. Sitri assisted him with the search, his underlings were sent to scope out all over the world and would relay any information. At times even human possession were needed to act as eyes and ears.

- - -

The sky was so saturated with the color red that seemed as if it would rain blood at any moment. In the ruins of an ancient city, chained to a pillar was a beautiful effeminate man with long flowing hair wearing a black crown with silver flowers.

He looked up at his captor and laughed, "Pei*! I'll never say anything."

The dazzling man before captivated him with his euphoric voice, "King Paimon, ruler of two hundred legions. I, Uriel son of God command you to answer me."

(A/N: Guys! I only had twelve... I only caught it now as I was writing them... I fixed it though. You Hou (Seduction) is the newly added one.

Pei - spitting.)

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