Catastrophe (XIII)

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(A/N: Finally some romance! Argh. Hehe, there's going to be more than a kiss here. !Warning! for some explicit details coming up! Thank you for being supportive of my novel and for reading, commenting, and voting!!!)

It was unknown to Allen, that Noel hadn't fallen asleep yet. Even when he slept, he was 75% awake and 25%. He was a trained soldier and he had to be aware of his situation at all times. He had only closed his eyes. After his silly person had fallen asleep, he opened his eyes and caressed the other's sleeping face.

His eyes were filled with affection for the youth.

He wanted to take things to the next step with Allen, but he was clueless how to. He didn't know what went on between two men in bed. He decided that tomorrow he would go bother Wolfrik. He was partners with Rolf, and the two had been going out for some time now. He should be knowledgeable in this area.

The next morning, Wolfrik received a heart attack at the age of twenty six. His boss had asked him about the bedroom matters of two men. Wolfrik felt that he was a detainee receiving a interrogation by the warden for his crimes. He was sweating oceans, as he carefully answered Noel's question. He made sure that his boss was 'happy' with his responses, or else he could kiss his life goodbye right there and then.

Noel left after getting what he wanted from Wolfrik. Wolfrik had felt that he had just been relieved of the entire world's pressure, and granted amnesty from the Gods above. Wolfrik decided to pray for the person their boss had taken a fancy too. With his stamina in fighting, just thinking about the bed matters made Wolfrik shiver.

Allen was walking in the hall with a couple of research documents in his hand. Just as Allen was going to turn the corner, someone's hand grabbed and pulled him into the bathroom. Allen was pushed up against the wall. He heard the door lock and furrowed his brows.

Allen furrowed his brows, "Noel?"

Allen didn't have another chance to ask as his glasses were slipped off and lips were capture by Noel's cold lips. Allen tried to push away Noel but he gripped both of his arms and locked them above Allen's head. Allen also tried turning his head away, but he locked his head in place with his holding his chin.

Seeing that the smaller man wasn't opening his mouth, Noel bit Allen's lip making him open his mouth to whimper. Noel shoved his tongue inside of Allen's mouth. Exploring every nook and cranny. When he licked the roof of Allen's mouth, Allen's body shivered. Allen's face was flushed with beautiful red hue.

From the lack of oxygen and pleasure, Allen felt his legs go weak. He would've slumped to the ground if not for Noel pinning his hands. Noel finally pulled back from his fiery kiss, his eyes were filled with a blazing passion.

Allen breathed in deep gulps of air, there was drool at leaking from the corner of his mouth. His long lashes flutter as his misty and hazy eyes were locked onto Noel. Noel leaned in and licked the corner of Allen's mouth, "Delicious."

He then skimmed his tongue over his lips as if savoring the flavor. Allen whispered, "Why are you doing this?"

His voice had gone a little hoarse from their kiss but it only made him more tempting. Noel wanted to strip him right there and then and penetrate that tight sweet hole, his eyes darkened. He reigned in his inner beast. Not yet. He hasn't accepted 'us' yet.

Noel's face was so close that Allen could feel the other's hot breath on his face. "Why?"

"Because I've fallen for you."

Allen starlit eyes widen, making Noel chuckle, "At first I was just curious, but I naturally felt myself drawn to you. From the way you walk, to how you speak, smile, and even when you laugh. Whenever I'm with you I feel an indescribable calmness and completion that I've never felt before, as if it was meant to be.

I find myself looking forward to seeing you everyday, to spending time with you. When you're not there, I feel empty inside."

Noel's sapphire eyes look into Allen's obsidian eyes, "Allen Reeves, I love you. Will you give me a chance to prove my love for you?"

Allen wanted to cry. Of course he knew that this man was madly in love with him. In this life, the one before, and the one before that he had always been. His nose soured.

Allen looked back to those eyes that resembled the sky, "....Yes."

Noel's face brightens. He releases Allen's arms and cupped his face in his hand before kissing him again. This time the kiss was less fierce and was more sweet. There was only sounds of lips smacking, suckling noises, and soft moans echoing in the bathroom.

Noel could see that Allen was running out of breath, "Breathe through your nose."

Allen did as he was instructed and the contact of their lips were much longer than before. Allen had wrapped his arms around Noel's neck and he was now an 'active' participant in their activity. Noel found out that Allen had a 'natural' talent at kissing.

(A/N: Well.... you know after two worlds, he should be talented at it.)

As they were kissing, Noel felt the youth's crotch's hardness and smiled. He 'accidentally' brushed against it with his legs and Allen let out a succulent moan. The temperature inside kept on getting hotter and hotter. Noel pulled back a little. The silver of their saliva connected from his lips to Allen's.

Noel lightly trailed his hand down from Allen's stomach to his thighs. He touched the bulge in Allen's pants, making the other groan in pleasure. Noel whispered seductively into Allen's ears, "You're reacting."

Allen's voice was coquettish as he murmured, "*hah* *hah* My body feels strange."

Noel smile deepened. From Allen's reaction, it meant that he hadn't touched himself before. Noel licked Allen's earlobe and nipped at it, "Let me teach you then."

Noel skillfully unzipped Allen's pants and took out Allen's little brother that was standing excitedly. Noel's pitch went higher from his touch, "Ah~!"

Noel kissed those delectable lips, he also nibbled and licked it as if it was the most appetizing thing in the world. Noel stroke Allen's shaft, from the bottom to the tip of the head. He could feel the other man shivering as he clutch tightly around his neck.

Noel would also trail down and leave some visible marks on Allen's neck. Between their kisses, Allen's lustful moans were like a harmonious melody in Noel's ears. His own tent was throbbing and it felt as if it was suffocating. Noel lets go of Allen's stick and unzipped his pants. He took out his jade stick and plastered it against Allen's hot throbbing stick and rubbed the two together as he stroked them up and down.

Allen could feel the burning heat of Noel's thick large rod, his body heated up even more. Allen's body responded eagerly with each touch from the man he loved. Allen panted, "No-Noel.... *hah* I can't! Ah~ Ah~ Something *hah* *hah* is going to co-come out! Nnn~"

Noel sped up the pace. Soon Allen reached his climax and his c*m had spilled onto Noel's hand. Allen was embarrassed at their 'rigorous' activity. But he saw that Noel hadn't released yet and looked at the man who was having trouble holding himself from pouncing at him. Noel's hands were on either side of his head on the wall, his were of that of a captivating predator looking at it's prey. Then he suddenly recalled one of his research colleague's conversation.

(A/N: Heh~ I feel a little evil and will leave it there! Muahaha! Huehuehueheuheu Ψ(☆w☆)Ψ)

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