Catastrophe (V)

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The moment he hit zero, Allen swung the metal ruler. He estimated the height of whatever was approaching him and aimed for the head. A loud crack could be heard before something wet fell onto the floor. Allen quieted his breathing and listened if there was anymore movement inside.

After three minutes of silence, Allen started moving around in the darkness. He used the metal stick to feel around for objects. Staying close to the wall, Allen felt around for a light switch. After being like a blind mole rat, Allen finally found the light switch and pressed it.

The bright white lights flickered on and Allen had to close his eyes. Once his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he looked around the room. Whoever raided the place didn't take all of the weapons inside of the store. Allen saw that there was still some pistols, bows, and arrows left behind.

Allen put down his bag and took out some medical supplies and tended to his wound. He checked to make sure that it wasn't too moist where bacteria would grow. If he had a suture needle and thread he could close the wound, but he had to make with what he had for now.

Allen walked over to the counter and took a couple of pistols with their appropriate ammunition. Then he paused. Although he learned marksmanship in the space, this Allen had no clue how to handle a gun. This meant that he needed to act as an amateur.

Allen eyed the bow and arrows, but this Allen did know archery. He rummaged around for another bag to store his weapons and found a small backpack, he stored the pistols safely inside of the bad and organized the ammunition. Allen also grabbed some silencers that were there. He made sure that he still had space for other items that he might need.

After he went over to the bows and started testing them out. He felt their weight, how the strings felt, how it would bend once pulled and took the one that suited him the most. He then went over to the arrows and chose three of the ones available. All of them were lethal and could penetrate straight through a human's body with no problems.

Allen also spotted some hunting knife and took some of the knifes. He also took their holders, strapping one to his ankle, his thigh, and his hip. Allen put on the bags. He needed to reach Frankford rd. before night fall. There was a small convenience store there. He could spend the night there.

Allen prepared a hunting knife in his hand and opened the door. A zombie had been waiting outside. Allen plunged his knife straight into the zombies head and it stopped moving. He twisted the blade, making sure that all the brain matter was mashed and pulled it out.

Allen flicked the blade and the zombies dark blood few off. He proceeded on wards to the convenience store. He took the smaller streets as there would be less traffic and zombie there. Along the way he made sure to grab anything that would be useful to him.

He exchanged the small backpack for a larger one, he also got a motorcycle helmet, and batteries. When Allen reached the store, the sky was just beginning to darken. As he stepped towards the 'welcome' mat, the doors opened automatically and made a ding. Allen frowned.

He quickly got inside and looked for the keys to lock the door. As if it was called, the convenience store manager was hobbling towards him. Allen didn't waste anytime and slaughtered him quickly before going to the door. Several zombies had made their way inside already.

Allen hack and slashed the zombies and closed the door and locked it. Allen set down his things behind the register, he then made sure that the building was cleared and that the exits were sealed. When he came back to the front, he glanced outside and saw zombies standing outside of the building. They smacked their hands, faces, anything on their body on the glass. Allen noticed that they were also attracted to lights, areas that were lit had more zombies than the area that were dim.

Allen turned off the lights and saw that the zombies stopped slamming at the glass. It seemed that even after death the zombies still retained some of their senses.

This convenience store hadn't been touched by others and still had everything in stock. Allen looked at the food and found them to have already turned bad, he then walked to the food isle and stood there standing.

<System, how do you cook?>

<...Host~ Bao Bao doesn't know how to cook either.>


Allen had never had to cook before. His first world, food was prepared by the servants. The second world, he ate raw food. Allen carefully looked at each item and read the words on the back. Some of the items such as the instant noodles or pancake mix had instructions on there. Allen suddenly felt that there was a lot involved in cooking, after this world he would make sure to take the cooking skills.

This was the hardest decision that Allen had to make, what would he eat and if he could even eat something here. Allen decided on the cup of instant ramen noodle, it was much simpler then some of the other items that required milk, eggs, and butter. Allen did as he was instructed and filled the water up to the line with water he had gotten from the fridge, after he stuffed it into the microwave and pushed on the buttons.

He watched the microwave carefully. It was so new to him. After the countdown hit zero, the microwave made a loud beep sound. Allen quickly pulled the door open and glanced at the front again. Some of the zombies had been attracted back here again. Allen made a note to not let the microwave reach zero, next time around. This microwave was was too dangerous.

Allen quickly ate his 'dinner', after he sat back behind the counter with the rest of his things. He took out a pistol and made sure that it was loaded and put on the silencer. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.

Today had been and exceptionally long day, tomorrow would be the same. He needed his recover strength and be in top shape. Although his eyes were closed, Allen was 60% awake and 40% resting. He couldn't afford to let his guard down with those ravaging monsters outside.

Allen wondered if his lover was also in this world, he had followed him through one but that couldn't guarantee that he would be in this one as well. Allen mumbled softly, "Regnier... I wonder how you are right now."

Far away, man turns around. He felt his heart pulling at him, as if the person he's searching for is out there. One of the men around him notices his strange behavior and asks, "Boss, what's wrong?"

The man took one last glance at the same direction and the shook his head, "Nothing."

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