Bearer of Thy Oath (XV)

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Uriel raised his hand and shot a light arrow at Cain and Asher. Within seconds, the left side of their chests gets pierced by the light arrow and they stop moving. Just as he's about to send them to the higher realm to be contained until their time of death, a black circle swallowed their bodies. There figures were nowhere to be seen and only the blood that they shed remained.

Uriel walked over and raised his hand, just as he felt the presence left behind. A flap of wings sounded above. It was as if it was God's calling, Uriel looked to the sky above him. He could see the beautiful shimmer of the golden locks and that stoic face. Standing before him, Mikael had a grandeur aura coming off of his body.

The two skipped greeting each other, right now wasn't the time to ask 'how was your morning' or 'how have you been' or 'Oh, I haven't seen you in a long time you look like you've lost some weight'. Looking at the scene around him, Mikael raised a brow, "He escaped?"

Uriel solemnly nodded, "En. But he was not alone in his escape, someone had assisted him."

Uriel had sent up a message informing that he was going to send the trouble maker back above. Mikael had descended to escort Cain, but now there was his sudden disappearance. Mikael drew his brows together and Uriel continued, "It is who we seek to stop."

Mikael quickly looked to where Cain had once been, "Lucifer?"

Uriel, "En."

Mikael walked over and felt the strong aura that was left behind, his nose twitched in repugnance. How could he ever forget this disdain-able aura? "He took both the anti-christ and the false prophet...."

Uriel, "'If I cannot bend Heaven, I will raise hell.', is that not what he said that time to Father?"

Mikael's expression turned grave, "I will go and inform the others, stay safe Uriel."

Uriel, "Tsetchem leshalom³, Mikael."

Mikael extended his wings behind him and took flight. Uriel looked at Mikael's retreating back and the corner of his lips curved upwards. His body suddenly disappeared into a black mist, after the departure of Mikael.

Inside of a dark space that held almost no light, two figures were chained to two poles. Their breathing was heavy, one had on a look that was brimming with extreme contempt and the other was still rendered unconscious from the wounds.

Cain blinked his eyes, trying to stay awake. He coughed up another mouthful of blood. His wounds were very slow at healing, but it had stopped bleeding already. He laughed self deprecatingly, he was a fool. Blinded by his yearning for him that he failed to see the trap that was awaiting for them.

He huffed a breath of air out from his chest. Feeling the weird absence of any spiritual presence in the air, Cain couldn't make out anything about where he was. He was sure that he wasn't captured by the angels, the place of imprisonment did not look like this. As he was trying to figure out away to escape from his bindings and where they were, he could hear the sound of someone's footsteps coming closer to him.

His eyes stared fiercely in the direction of which the sound came from. The first thing that he sees is those amber eyes. His heart sank, was he mistake about something? Did he really get captured? Or was it that his mind finally broke down?

The angel opened his mouth, "Finally awake, first borne son of Adam?"

Cain remained silent, his eyes were like daggers. The angel's eyes narrowed down, "Let's have a talk shall we?"


When Adriel woke up, his mind felt incredibly heavy and he rubbed his forehead. The last thing he recalled was Uriel transforming.... Afterwards the whole word went black and he had a dreamless sleep. Looking around, he only saw Sitri on the bed. Abel and Uriel were gone.

This fact finally woke Adriel out of his haziness, he hovered his hand over Sitri. He frowned, Sitri's consciousness was locked inside of his mind. Adriel called out, "Afypnizo¹."

As soon as he enunciated the last part of the word, Sitri's eyes flew open. Sitri's face was filled with black lines, "Where's Uriel?"

His voice was laced with acrimony. His hands had the urge to grab Uriel and shake him and shout 'why'. Why does he treat them like this? Why doesn't he ever say anything to them? Why can't he rely on them? Why must he try and face this alone? He somehow knew that the other person loved them, but their actions contradicted their feelings.

Adriel shook his head, "He left."

Sitri, "..."

His heart was in turmoil right now. Earlier today, he had thought that it was strange for Uriel to let them be so close to the two of them. What he did not count on was that he had ingested Uriel's blood and that made him vulnerable to being compelled by him. It was the only reason that Uriel could lock him within his subconsciousness. Without Adriel breaking the compulsion earlier than it affects would've worn off, he would've still been out from the amount of blood his body had metabolized. It turned out that Uriel had been awaiting the entire day for something to come to him.

If not for that Adriel had also cast 'eye of the soul', they would've never had an idea of what Uriel was trying to do. It was the main reason why Adriel turned pale, he was gathering information by looking at Uriel's soul. But an archangel's soul isn't like that of a mortal, he suffered heavily looking into the soul of God's beloved beings. His soul was in a shaky position right now and was still recovering from it being extinguished as it came into contact with Uriel's soul.

Adriel couldn't spend a long time searching or else his soul might perish from existence and could only gathered the most recent memories. He saw Gabriel, the deaths of many different people, Paimon and his destruction, and Abel asking him not to let Cain find him. Even though it wasn't a whole lot of information, it was better then knowing nothing. The disappearance of the two had a 99.9% chance that had to do with Cain.

Thinking of how they were always kept in the dark by Uriel, Sitri's eye color was starting to cloud with murky darkness. It was changing from purple to a pitch black color, even his sclera² was changing color. His appearance was starting to change as well, the ends of his hair elongated and the tips were blackening.

"You can't, or else they'll find you."

Adriel's voice brought him out of his trance. Hearing the words, Sitri also had known that it was too dangerous at the moment to. He had been in 'hiding' and suppressed himself for too long. He pinched bridge of his nose, he couldn't wait to tear someone from the upper realm to pieces. Ever since his 'birth' in this world he's only seen the darkness. It was only when he saw Uriel that it finally dawned upon him, that there was such a thing as 'pure' and beautiful in this grey scaled world. He lowered his gaze and his eyes darkened, sparks of red light flickered across his eyes.


¹Afypnizo: Awaken in Greek.

²Sclera: White parts of the eyeball.

³Tsetchem leshalom (צאתכם לשלום): Literal meaning is 'may your going out be to peace' in Hebrew.

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