Catastrophe (XIV)

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(A/N: *ahem* Please don't kill me. I regret my actions of leaving you guys with such a cliff hanger. (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु I will give you more scenes!!! SPARE ME! o(╥﹏╥)o

!Warning! There will be more mature content with explicit details in this chapter!

Thank you for supporting my novel! And for your votes, comments, and taking your time out your day to read this! (๑•̥̥̥́ω•̀ू๑) )

Although his legs was feeling weak, Allen kneeled onto the floor. Noel felt a soft and pleasurable sensation on the head of his stick. Then, he felt something wet touch it. He looked down to see Allen's palatable lips kissing the head of his little brother and licking it.

Allen opened his tiny mouth and delved forward. Noel's stick prove to be too big for his small mouth as only half of it fit inside of his mouth.

(A/N: *ahem* without deep throating that is.... >.>)

Noel groaned in pleasure as he felt the soft, warm, and wet insides of Allen's mouth wrap around his d*ck. Allen also encircle his right hand around the bottom part of Noel's stick. Allen thought back to what his colleague said and started to move his head up and down along with his hand. He didn't forget to use his tongue to lick the underpart of the shaft as he moved.

Noel gripped the back of Allen's head. The pleasure he was receiving was insane and he started to move his hips as well. The two were in sync with each other, their movements were fluid and were with ease.

Allen could feel the stick in his mouth get hotter as they increased their pace. Just as Noel's meat stick was ready to explode, he pushed off Allen's head. A hot, wet, and white substance flew onto Allen's face. Allen flinched as it landed on his face, "Nngh!"

Noel took in a deep breath as he was coming down from his high after releasing. He glance at the face that was covered his fluid and felt elated. Allen had taken initiative to 'assist' him.

Bao Bao had long escaped, his heart couldn't take it. His 'son-in-law' was back. He knew that he couldn't win against him and had run off. His 'son-in-law' would always give him that deathly glare that made his scalp crawl from just a glance.

The two of them were cleaning themselves up after their *cough* *cough* steamy session. Allen was washing his hands as he felt someone's sturdy arms wrap around his waist and cold lips touching the nape of his neck. Allen moaned a little as the mouth nibbled and sucked on his sensitive part of his neck.

Allen let out a soft cry. He turned around and placed a hand on Noel's lips, "No more."

(A/N: Wae~ It's my first time doing an oral scene.... I don't know how I did it lolol.... I hope it wasn't too bad. (;¬_¬))


In the next six months, Allen's and Noel's relationship deepened. Allen started accepting more of Noel's open display of affections. Though they didn't take it any further than what they had done in the bathroom.

The two didn't feel as if there was any to do so at the moment. Noel also wanted to wait until Allen was at least an adult before he devoured him from head to toe.

As for the bro-con Kyle? He was naturally pissed off that his best friend was getting all smuggly with his younger brother. He would be a *cough* c*ockblock whenever he had the chance too. More than one, he disturbed the two while they were at it.

He wanted to bash his friend's skull in for laying a hand on Allen, but he saw that Allen wasn't being forced into it and that he was a willing participant in their acts. He could also tell that they had equal amounts of affection for each other. It wasn't one sided.

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