Catastrophe (III)

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(A/N: Haiz! Here goes another chapter! Never thought that I would be looking up so many different kinds of words just so that there wouldn't so much repetition in my book. My head started hurting at the blast of definitions.

Enjoy the chapter and thank you guys so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I love to read your comments, they make me laugh!)

After reading the plot, Ains' eyebrow raised. It seemed he was in a 'cannon fodder's' body. (A term that Bao Bao taught Ains. Which Bao Bao learned from his Jie jie.)

<Send me the tasks.>

<Oh right! Here you go host~ > The world is a dangerous place! BE CAREFUL MY CHILD! Those monsters keep on drooling, don't they know how to swallow? Ugh, all that saliva!


<Oh snap! Bao Bao almost forgot! Host you can't OOC! >

{Main tasks:

1. Reunite with Kyle. - 500 points

2. Survive the zombie apocalypse. - 250 points

Total: 750 Points

Side Missions:

1. Reach base B in two weeks. - 500 points}

Ains rubbed his glabella as his head was throbbing like crazy. He searched through Allen's memories and frowned. He missed his chance to be rescue, Kyle and Mina were already gone. The original Allen had watched them leave before he fell asleep.

(A/N: 'Ains' is going to be called 'Allen' from this point on.)

Allen cracked his sore neck, "Time to get to work."

First thing he needed to do was take care of his wound or else it would get infected. He couldn't afford to get sick, there was a timed mission. Allen decided to get to the infirmary to tend to his wound.

Allen took off his uniform shirt and tied it around his wound to lessen the blood flowing out. He was only wearing a thin muscle shirt underneath. You could see the shape of his body clearly, Allen was skinny but that didn't mean that he was all bones. Though he didn't have a toned body, he had enough meat on his bones to make him look not anorexic.

Allen was used to his were-cat's body that was full of vigor. Now that he was back inside of a human body, he felt awkward. Allen looked at his body and sighed, he would have some difficulties in this body. It would run out of strength and stamina all too quickly.

Allen searched around the room for a weapon, luckily in the small utility closet in the corner was a broom. Though it wasn't the best weapon, it was better to have that then nothing.

<System, is there any weak spots on these 'zombies'?>

<Umm... host~ Bao Bao doesn't know... This is Bao Bao's first time seeing such hideous creatures. Why don't host experiment?>


Allen gripped the broom in his hand as he was limping to the door. That stupid Mina had penetrated quite deep into the flesh on his leg. Maybe it was because of the were-cat world, but Allen's senses were much sharper than it was before. Though it couldn't match up to a were-cat's, it was better than an average human's.

Allen listened closely at the door, after making sure that there wasn't any noise outside of the door, Allen opened it gently so that it wouldn't make any noise. Allen glanced around. The coast was clear.

From Allen's memories, the infirmary was located on the east wing on the second floor. He was located currently on the third floor on the west wing of the building. Allen mapped out his route and began to make his way there.

On the way there he met a couple of zombies, thankfully they were straddlers and were alone. If he had to fight more than one at the same time he would be in trouble, his body was feeling weak from lack of food, the loss of a little too much blood, and the small fever he had going on right now. Allen was able to experiment on the zombies, he was trying to find their weakest point.

He found out there was only one that was effective, the brain. He had tried their limbs, abdomen, heart, decapitating their heads, but nothing seemed to work as they would still be moving afterwards. Even if they were split in half, as long as the brain was still intact they would be functioning.

It wasn't until he smashed their skull and accidentally destroyed the brain did the zombie stop moving. Learning quickly, Allen only aimed for their brains.

One he got to the stairwell that led down to the second floor on the east wing, Allen stopped. The infirmary had at least ten zombies surrounding it. Allen frowned, he didn't know how he was going to draw away them one at a time. Then he suddenly remembered that they were attracted to noise.

Allen looked around for any object to throw and found a book. It was a magazine, on the cover was an attractive young lady in a bunny suit with the big, bold, and bright red 'PLAYBOY' word on it. The young woman gave a sultry look, while cupping her breasts in her hands.

Bao Bao's jaw dropped. Who had so much courage to bring an adult magazine to school! What Bao Bao didn't know was that there was a pile of it scattered on the floor not far from them. Agh! Dirtying my precious host's eyes! Who dares to leave this lying around?

Allen didn't even bother to give it much thought and tossed the book down the gap in the middle of the stairwell. At that moment an unlucky zombie was walking right where he threw the book, it was struck on the head with the magazine and fell onto the floor from the impact.

The magazine fell and flipped open to a full spread page. There was the same woman from the cover but she was sitting on a red chair and had her legs spread, you could see her thin underwear, it almost didn't cover her *ahem* flower, her breasts were bare, and her face was full of lewd temptation. Temptation? Pfft. Maybe to a straight guy. Allen was bent, he had been bent since his first world.

If that magazine wanted to blame someone they could blame Long Zixi for bending Allen. A certain someone sneezed and frowned. His eyes narrowed down to a dangerous degree, it seems someone was talking about him behind his back.

(A/N: Author-san: *sweating*|−・;)

Author-san: It wasn't me, I swear!It was Bao Bao! *flees* ε=ε=ε=┌(;'゚ェ゚)┘

Bao Bao: Σ(・口・) Wha-! Stop lying! *chases after author-san*)

After the zombies chased after the adult magazine to the first floor, Allen sneaked to the infirmary. There was a couple of zombies on the inside but Allen quickly got rid of them. He locked the door and walked over to the medicine shelf.

He grabbed gauze, rubbing alcohol, bandages, pain meds, anti-fever meds, latex gloves, and cotton balls. He sat dropped the supplies onto the infirmary doctor's desk as the beds were all contaminated with blood.

Allen slipped out of his pants, he bit the bottom of his lips as the blood had partially dried onto his skin and stuck to the wound. After yanking it off, it began to bleed once more.His pale legs were exposed, they look so smooth and soft as if when you lay your head on his lap it would be even more comfortable then a pillow. Blood trickled down his leg, reaching his ankle.

Allen lifted his leg and placed his foot onto the chair. He grabbed the gauze and placed it over the would while soaking a cotton ball with the rubbing alcohol. Once it was slightly saturated, he lifted off the bloody gauze and dabbed at he wound with the cotton ball.

Allen carefully tended to his wound, making sure that it wouldn't get infected. After he wrapped his wound and cleaning the rest of his blood off, Allen ate the pain and anti-fever medication. Then, he searched for new clothes to wear. He did find some new clothes but he wrinkled his brows at the uniform in his hands, it was a female's school uniform.

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