Chapter 5

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Ellie's P.O.V

I finally got to the bus stop. I'm out of breath, my throats dry and I have a stitch, the bus  should be here any minute now and then I'll be far away from here. As I'm sitting waiting for the bus I notice a black car pull up at the side of me, at first I start to freak out but then I remembered that the mans car was a Range Rover and this is not a Range Rover, I start to clam down until the man steps out and walks towards me.

It's okay Ellie, you don't know this man he's not the one your running from. I try to calm myself down, when he walks behind me I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I was calm until I felt cold hands wrap around my mouth. I tried to get up and run but he grabbed my shoulder with one hand pushing me back down, the other hand still covering my mouth so I couldn't scream.

"I'm going to let go and your not going to scream or try to run, you understand?" He said, his voice was deep and he sounded dangerous I knew I had to listen to him I didn't want to speak so I simply just nodded yes.

"Answer in words Ellie" he commands as he slightly removed his hand from my mouth

"H-how do y-you k-know my n-name?" I asked, it came out more as a whisper and I'm surprised he heard it

"I know lots of things" he said and pulled me up by my waist to walk to the car, at first I struggled and tried to get free from his grip but he tightened his hands around my waist and told me to stop moving. Tears were rolling down my face and I didn't know what to do, he threw me into the front of the car, beside the drivers seat, got in and drove off down the road.

"W-where a-are y-you ta-taking m-me?" I try to say but again it comes out as more of a shaky whisper

"Don't ask questions just be quiet and do as I say"

"W-why a-are you....t-taking...m-me?" I ask ignoring what he just said

Suddenly the car stops, I look out the window to see nothing but a road I was confused as to why he stopped the car then he takes my seatbelt off and pulls me onto his lap, I try to get off but he tightens his grip and smacks my leg more tears comes down my face and he wipes them away with his fingers.

"What did I tell you about asking questions?" He says, I look at his face and I can tell by his eyes that he was demanding an answer

"N-not to a-ask questions and t-to be q-quiet"

"So you were listening, then why didn't you obey?"

Excuse me what?
Who does he think he is ordering me around like that?
I wanted nothing more than to start shouting at him and telling him he isn't the boss of me!
But off course I'm not confident enough to talk to him like that, he's dangerous after all he did kidnap me.

"I-I'm s-sorry"

"Good, now just sit and be quiet until we get there" He says sitting me back in the passenger seat and driving off

Where is there?
Why is he taking me?
will I be able to get away?
All these questions were going though my mind, I wanted to ask but I didn't want to make him angrier.

We have been in the car for what feels like hours but we finally stopped, we are at a big mansion. He gets out of the car, comes over to my side and drags me out of the car into the mansion.

"I have someone I want you to meet" He says and walks into a big room that looks like some sort of office, no one is in here which confuses me because he says he wanted me to meet someone. He walks over and sits in the biggest chair behind a desk and tells me to sit on the couch. A few minutes later there is a knock on the door.

"Come in" He says and the door opens, I jump out of the seat and start to freak out. It was him. It was the man I bumped into this morning, took his gun and ran away from, he is standing right in front of me again and he doesn't look very happy. "Hello again Ellie" he says as he closes the door and walks over to me. He pushes me back down on the couch and says "I told you not to run, but you didn't listen which was a stupid mistake because my boss found you and now your in even more trouble than before" he says and the man I came here with stands up and walks over to us. He brings two of the chairs and the two men sit in front of me.

"W-why?" Is all I manage to say
"Why what princess?" The man, who I assume is the boss says  to me
"Why d-did yous t-take m-me? I g-give y-you back the g-gun" I say tears streaming down my face
"We can't risk you telling anyone about us" the 'boss' says while reaching into my pocket and taking my phone
"I had plenty of times to tell someone, don't you think if I was going to tell someone I would have already? I ran past a police station earlier!" I shout back, I don't know where this confidence came from but I don't care.
"DO NOT SHOUT AT ME!" The boss shouts as he slaps my cheek, my hands quickly goes to my now sore red cheek and even more tears run down my face
"Will take her to the guest room and come straight back" the boss man says and the other man stands up and grabs me, pulling me all the way up stairs into a bedroom. He pushed me in and shut the door. I try to open it but of course it's locked so I just sit on the bed and cry.

Wills P.O.V

Once I took Ellie to the guest room me and Kai started talking about what we should do about her, we both agreed we can't let her go, even though she didn't tell anyone about me and the gun doesn't mean she won't. She made a good choice not telling anyone because it just saved her life, we both agreed we shouldn't kill her because she didn't tell anyone and that made us trust her that little bit more so there was no reason for her to die, we may be the best and most feared Mafia in all of America but we don't kill people without a reason to, yes her seeing me and the gun gave us a reason to kill her but she didn't tell anyone and she had lots of chances to tell, she even ran past a police station. We also agreed that she's not joining the Mafia, we don't like having girls in our Mafia, we do have some but they were all experienced before they joined and we don't think she's cut out to be in a Mafia. We talked about what we should do and shouldn't do, we didn't really think off many things we should do but we had loads of things we aren't going to do.

End of chapter 5

I hoped you enjoyed! Please tell me what you think because I don't know if should continue to write this story as I don't know if people actually like it. Also comment what you think is going to happen to Ellie or what you want to happen to Ellie

If you see any mistakes please  tell me and I'll fix them

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