Chapter 16

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Ellie's P.O.V
It's not long know until Lucas comes with my dinner in fact he should be here any minute now. Just as I thought that the sound of the door unlocking snaps me out of my thoughts and in walks.... Kai?

"It's been too long, I don't care if you don't want to see me your mine and I'm going to sit and have dinner with you" he didn't ask, he sated leaving no room for discussion

"I'm not yours" I mumble under my breath, not wanting him to hear but at the same time hoping he does

"What was that?" Guess he heard me


"Don't lie to me. Tell. Me. What. You. Said" he said through clenched teeth, getting angrier each step he took towards me.

"I-I said that I'm n-not y-yours" I hate myself for stuttering but can you blame me? I'm not going to sit here in front of a scary mafia leader and act like I'm not afraid even when I am, and he knows I am.

I soon regretted what I said when he threw the tray against the wall and stormed over to me, I jumped up and tried to scramble away from him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me tight against him so that my back was pressing against his front.

"YOU ARE MINE" he screamed in my head, I swear he busted my eardrum, I started crying and I hated myself for it but I couldn't help it. My ear was ringing because of how loud he shouted and my head was also banging, I'm scared of him and there's no point in denying it, he's absolutely terrifying and I don't want to be anywhere near him.

"Why won't you just understand that your mine and there's nothing you can do about?" He said stoking my hair, trying to comfort me after scaring me but it didn't work.

"Pl-please just leave me alone" I whisper lowly but loud enough so he can hear

"No, come on you need to get something to eat, you haven't had anything from lunch and our dinner is wrecked now" he said dragging me along with him by the elbow not leaving me any choice but to go with him.

He dragged me all the way down to the kitchen and pushed me down on one of the chairs. "Do not move, you've already made me mad don't test my patience anymore" he said as we walked over to the freezer and pulled out a box. I couldn't see what it was. Just then Lucas walked into the kitchen, he came and sat beside me and we started talking.

"Get out Lucas" Kai said, he sounded annoyed I mean I knew he was mad but I don't know why he's making Lucas get out.

"Please don't leave me with him" I whispered to Lucas, grabbing his arm as he stood up to walk out

"I'm sorry" he whispered back to me "I have to or he'll get even more mad, just try not to annoy him anymore and do as he-" he wasn't able to finish what he was saying as Kai turned around and screamed at him.

"DID I NOT JUST TELL YOU TO GET OUT?" His face was so red, I don't understand why he is this mad to be honest, Lucas was only talking to me it's not like he was doing anything wrong.

"Sorry Boss I was just leaving" Lucas said and quickly left the kitchen. Kai turned back and continued to cook whilst I just sat there scared staring at him.

I knew what Lucas was going to say, he was going to tell me to do whatever Kai asks or wants, and to not disobey him. I know I probably should as it would be better for me but it all depends on what Kai says or asks because there is certain things I won't say or do. Even if it makes him more mad at me.

"I don't want you speaking to anyone unless I say so, got it?" He said, still with his back to me. I was so annoyed he can't do this to me he doesn't get to control who I talk to who does he think he is?

He turned around to face me when I didn't answer him. "I'm speaking to you and I would appreciate it if you gave me an answer" he didn't look too mad about me not answering him but I knew better than to think that.

"P-please don't- don't do this, Lucas is the closest th-thing I have to a f-friend here" I was nearly crying again but I refuse to let him see me cry over this. Then he knows hes winning.

"I don't care unless you start accepting the fact that your mine and start treating me like your boyfriend and be with me then your not to speak with any boy, or look at them for that matter, can't have my girl talking to other boys and ignoring me" IS HE SERIOUS?

"I h-hate you"

He never heard it because he didn't act out, he just turned around and continued to cook us something to eat, I still don't know what he's making but I honestly don't care I just want to eat it and go to bed, away from him.


Once he finished cooking he brought the food and sat down beside me. He cooked us chicken and chips and I sat very still feeling uncomfortable eating with him staring at me. Once he finished his food he grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. I tried to get off and sit back where I was.

"Stay still" He said as he put his face in my neck and sighed. "Your staying with me tonight"

"N-no" there was no way in hell I will sleep with him

"You don't have a choice princess, I'll not try anything don't worry I just want you to be in my arms"

"I don't care, I'm not sleeping with you" I say as I try to jump out of his grip, but he just holds on tighter

"Yes you are, I don't care what you say I'll tie you to the bed if I have to now sit a peace and finish your dinner" he said angrily, but I don't care if he's angry because so am I

"I'm not hungry, I'm not eating it"

"Don't be difficult, just eat it"

"I said I'm not hungry" I don't care if I sound childish right now, I just want to be left alone is that too much to ask?

"Okay then would you rather we go up to bed now then?" He asked and he stood up with his arm around me tightly

"No please, just l-leave me alone" I say as I struggle to get out of his grip

He just ignores me and walks to I'm guessing is his room, I'm still trying to get out of his grip but he just pays to mind to it and continues to walk.

Once we reach his room, he opens the door and punched me inside. He then grabs my arm again and pulls me over to his bed and gently pushes me down on it only for me to get straight back up.

"Sit down now" He says angrily

"Pl-please don't do this" you may think I'm over exaggerating but I don't care I really don't wanna be near him right now.

"Calm down, your acting as if I'm going to rape for crying out loud, I swear I wouldn't do that to you I'm not sick!" He shouts causing me to flinch

"I'm going for a shower and you better be sitting there when I get back" He says before storming off into the bathroom.

End of chapter 16

Thanks so much for reading, please let me know what you think!

I have a few ways I was thinking about making this story go but I want to know what yous think...

1. Make her hate him for a while longer and then start to like him

2. Just make her keep hating him and trying to escape

3. Make Kai turn on her and start to hate her

Let me know what you would prefer

Stuck With The Mafiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें