Chapter 54

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Sorry it's been so long, but as promised yesterday here is your update. It's a bit longer than usual due to the long wait!

Hope you enjoy!


Ellie's P.O.V

Me and Rachel decided that we were going to go away for a girls week. We are currently packing our bags, I still couldn't believe that Kai and Lucas agreed to this. We are going to the place Lucas and Rachel went to the other day, Rachel was so excited to go back so soon. I've never been before and I was looking forward to seeing what the big fuss was about. She hasn't shut up about it since we were told we were allowed to go.

It's going to be so weird leaving this place, I've been here for months and haven't left. I couldn't wait to get away from the boys and just have a good time with my best friend. We are going to be able to do whatever we want with no annoying boyfriends to stop us or tell us we can and can't do.

I know for a fact that Kai will have guards around the log cabin but I'm sure they won't come inside. We will be fine but there will be no convincing Kai otherwise.


"I don't know if this is a good idea" Kai says

"Don't you dare! You can't just change your mind, you've already agreed!" I warn him "I'm going no matter what" I say sternly, whilst crossing my arms over my chest. "I need this break, me and Rachel need a girls get away!" I say

"I can do what I please, if I say your not going then your not going. I'm the boss Ellie don't forget that" he says, his tone is laced with authority

"Okay dad" I mumble under my breath. Rolling my eyes

"What was that?" He asks raising his eyebrow at me

"What?" I ask innocently

"I'd watch my tone if I were you, your not gone yet I can easily change my mind" Kai says angrily

"Geez somebody's on their period" Rachel says entering the kitchen

"Yous two keep it up, I dare yous. I'll make sure you never leave this house again" Kai threatens

"Your not my boss or my boyfriend babe I'm a free women I can do as I please" Rachel states while grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and walking back out of the room

"Yous aren't going" he growls before storming out of the kitchen. I let out a huff and stomp my foot

"Kai please!" I beg running after him. I catch up and grab hold of his arm, stopping him from walking any further

"Let go of me Ellie" he warns

"Please kai, just let us go" I pout giving him my best puppy eyes

"I'll think about it" he says and then walks away

It's so not fair. He already agreed, he can't just boss us around like this. Who's he to say what we can and can't do? We are grown women we can make our own decisions!

"Ughhh" I walk up the stairs following after Kai. "Look I know... actually I don't know why your freaking out about us leav-"

"Because If one of my enemies see you something bad might happen to you" He snaps cutting me before turning around and pushing me into the nearest wall. He pins my arms by my sides and buries his head in my neck. "I can't lose you El, your mine and I won't let anything happen to you" He says

Stuck With The MafiaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora