Chapter 6

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Ellie's P.O.V

I just sat on the bed crying for what seems like hours but really it's only been about 20 minuets, I was about to fall asleep when the door opened and Will came in I jumped up and just stayed sitting on the bed.

"Come on, boss wants to see you again" he said standing at the door, I didn't want to go I know he's going to kill me I was to scared to move so I just sat there, crying.

"Hurry up Ellie we don't have all day" he said, he didn't seem to mad but I still couldn't get myself to move I don't want to die!

"Don't make me come over there and get you myself now move!" He shouts, this time he does sound mad, I slowly get off the bed I want to go faster but I can't make myself go any quicker. We made it to the Office again, my breathing was extremely heavy and I nearly fainted, the Boss told me to calm down but I couldn't help myself Tears were still streaming down my face, my cheeks were soaking and my top was drenched in tears. I was to busy thinking about what would happen to me that I didn't realise the Boss standing right in front of my until his cold, strong hands wiped my tears from my face, I jumped back not wanting him to touch me.

"Ellie I'm not going to hurt you, you can calm down now" he said stepping closer to me, I automatically stepped back and this went on and on until my back hit the door, he was standing right in front of me and I was looking around the room at anything away from him that's when I realised it was only me and him in the room and Will was gone.

"P-please d-don't k-kill m-me" I cried out

"No one is going to hurt you, here's the deal your going to stay here as my maid" He said

"P-please j-just l-let m-me g-go"

"I can't do that, your still a threat and until I know I can trust you your staying here where I can keep an eye on you"

"Please I promise I won't tell anyone just let me go"

"You are not going anywhere so stop asking you are to stay here and do whatever I want you to do whenever I want you to do it you are mine now Ellie" when he said that I was his I lost it, I fell to the floor and just cried he didn't even stop me he just walked over to his deck and sat down and ignored me. I was okay with him ignoring me it means I could leave without him realising I'm gone, at least that's what I thought when I opened the door it slammed shut again and I was roughly turned around to face him.

"Did I say you could leave?" He says awfully calm which scares me even more

"N-no" I figure if I answer him he won't get mad and he won't hurt me

"So then where were you trying to go?"

"N-no w-where" I lie, I was trying to get away from this place

"Oh so you were going no where?" He says and I could tell he was starting to get mad because I didn't answer him truthfully

"Tell me the truth or you'll be punished, where you trying to run?"

"Y-yes" I know I shouldn't lie to him I mean he knows I was trying to leave anyway and I really didn't want to get hurt

"And what? Did you think I wouldn't realise?" Okay now he is definitely mad

"I-I I'm  s-sorry"

"Come on" he grabs my arm and walks over to his desk, he sits down and pulls me onto his lap, I try to get off of him put he just slaps my leg, like he done in the car only this time is wasn't that sore.

"Don't move" he commands and then continues to do his work, we just sit here in silence and I have managed to stop crying, after a few hours someone knocks on the door and he says come in, I try to get up of his lap but he digs his hand into my thigh "I told you not to move" he whispers in my ear and then turns back to see who came in, it was Will and he said he needed to talk about something important and then the Boss told Will to take me to the Guest room but before I got of his lap he whispered in my ear "I'll come see you soon"

We walked back to the room I was in before and off course once I was in the room he locked the door so I couldn't get out. I went and sat on the bed I couldn't stop thinking about what the boss said and then I told myself that if he comes in here later I need to ask him what his name is because it's starting to get on my nerves referring him to boss.

What must have been a good 2 hours later I heard the door unlocking and In came the boss.

"Hello Ellie" He says and he walks over and sits on the edge on the bed where I was sitting. I didn't say hello back I just sat there and looked and him

"Do you have any questions before I tell you about what you'll be doing here?" He asks as if I just got a new job, technically I did but it is a forced job and I don't plan on staying here for long, I'm going to get away no matter what it takes!

"W-what d-do I c-call y-you?" I figure now would be a suitable time to ask

"My name is Kai" he replies, I just nod my head and stay quiet that's all I really need to know after a few seconds of silence he speaks again. "Is that all you want to ask?"

"Yes" I manage to say without stuttering and I have to say I was thankful for that

"Okay well as you know your going to be my maid, you'll have to cook me meals when I'm at home and clean the living room and kitchen"

"Is t-that a-all?" And the stuttering is back... yay!

"Well there might be a few other things but for now that's all I can think off, if I want you to do something I will tell you and then you'll do it no matter what it is"

"I'm n-not k-killing anyone!"

"Ellie I said your my maid, your not going to be out of the house so you won't even have the chance to kill someone" he exclaims, I'm happy that I'm only his maid and that he's not asking me to kill people but I don't want to be his maid at all, I want to go back to my house and my job and Rachel and Lily, that's it! Rachel will realise that something is wrong when I don't come home but the only problem is she's staying in her boyfriends tonight... wait I am supposed to be going to Sophia's (Sophia is her cousin) she'll know something is wrong by now since I didn't show up so let's just hope she's already phoned the police.

End of chapter 6

Hope you enjoyed! If you see any mistakes let me know and please comment what you think it will help me a lot when writing this story! Also I am writing another story, but I don't know when I'll post it.

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