Chapter 30

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Ellie's P.O.V

"Hey troublemaker" I snap my head to the door when I hear Lucas's voice as he walks into the room

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask excitedly, I was happy to see him. I needed company and he was my favourite

"I'm here to take you to get washed and the Kai wants you" I smile, I can't believe I'm finally getting out of here. I jump up and walk over to the door, I couldn't wait to get a shower and feel clean

"It's been ages and I can't wait to get a shower and brush my teeth" I say as we walk out of the room. Kai walks me up to my room, he sits and waits for me on the bed.

I walk into the bathroom and completely strip out of my clothes, I turn the shower on and wit for it to heat up. Whilst I'm waiting I brush my teeth and wash my face. I get the facecloth and then jump into the shower allowing the warm water to fall down onto my body. You have no idea how nice this feels. I squirt some of the coconut scented shower gel onto my face cloth and wash my body from head to toe, I then shave everywhere, apart from my arms and face obviously. I wash my hair with the raspberry scented shampoo and conditioner and once I'm satisfied I'm completely clean I get out and dry myself off. Once I'm dry I get into clothes.

I walk out of the bathroom and we head down to Kai's office.

"So how's Oscar doing?" I ask

"Yeah he's fine, still resting obviously but he doesn't want to. He says he's bored and doesn't need to rest and that he is okay" I laugh knowing that Oscar was probably complaining every second.

Once we walk into Kai's office he tells Lucas to leave. I was a bit nervous as he is really mad at me, well he was I'm not sure if he still is.

"I need you speak to you about some things" he says. He motions for me to sit down so I walk over to the chair in front of his desk and sit down.

"First of all, I'm not mad at you anymore, second of all you WILL be moving into my bedroom tonight" He says leaving no room for discussion, I decide not to even argue about it. I just got out of that room I don't want him to get mad and get put in there again. So I nodded my head instead.

"Good I'm glad your not arguing about it"

"There's no point your not going to give me what I want anyway so why waste my breath"  he looks a bit annoyed that I said that but he doesn't say anything

"Okay so I heard you have a brother" he says, I was confused and shocked that he brought that up and how did he even know what?

"How do you know that I have a brother?" I ask

"Do you not talk to him?" He asks completely ignoring my question

"No I haven't seen or heard from him since I was 15, he left and didn't say why, why do you wanna know?" I ask, I didn't know why he was asking about my brother, I  know why I so open to him about it and why I was just telling him. I suppose it's nothing really big that I'm telling him.

"Oh, did you not get on?" There he goes agin ignoring my question

"Why do you wanna know so much about my brother? And how do you even know I have a brother?" I ask again hopefully this time he will answer my questions

"Answer my question Ellie, did you not get on with him?" Is he serious!

"You haven't answered my questions since I sat down, why do you wanna know so much about my brother?" I ask for the third time!

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