Chapter 27

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Ellie's P.O.V

"Ben could you take Ellie to my room please" what? No I wanna see Oscar and why is he talking as if I'm not here?

"Um I'm right here and no I wanna come and see Oscar"

"You can see him later, right now I want you in my room safe oh and you'll be moving into my room as well"

"No I like my room"

"Ellie I'm not arguing about this right now" He turns around to face me "just please I need to go to the hospital to see Oscar please just go with Ben to our room until I get back" he says and then turns around and walks down a long corridor I haven't been done yet, which leads to the hospital I'm guessing.

"Come on" The man, who I now know is called Ben, says and we start to walk back towards the way we came. He walks me up to Kai's room, I don't think I've ever been in here, it was really big. The colours we're mainly black, white, grey and a bit of brown and blue. I sat on the bed and waited for a while to make sure Ben was gone.

After a while I got up and made my way towards my room, I wasn't for sitting in here doing nothing. There was a book I had in my room that I got from the library, I swear this mansion has everything! You would never need to leave the house again apart from going shopping, you'd never get bored in this house. There was a library, game room, swimming pool, art studio where you could paint and even a room full of musical instruments. To be honest I don't know why they needed some of those rooms, I can understand the game room but the rest weren't really necessary. I suppose the rooms needed to be made into something.

I lay down on my bed and started to read the book I had. It was really good. It was about kid spy's that get sent of missions to do things, I really loved it. It was s interesting and kept me entertained. After I read a few chapters my bedroom door was flung open, I jumped and let out a little scream.

"Why are you not in our room?" Kai asked as he walked over to the bed and sat down beside me

"I wasn't in your room because it's boring" I answered honestly

"Our room Ellie, I want you to move in with me"

"You say that as if I'm moving house" I laugh a little and then look at him again "why do you want me to stay in your room so bad anyway?" I ask

"You said you were going to give me a chance"

"Yeah a chance, not sleep with you we went going out"

"We technically will be, I don't see the problem"

"You can't be serious! I'm not staying in your roo..."

"Yes you are! I told you your mine and that we would be sharing a room from now on" he cut me off, I'm sick of this 'I'm his' crap, I'm my own person not his!!

"Go away"

"Excuse me?" He laughs

"I said go away, I can't be bothered listening to you go on and on that I'm yours, I'm not yours!" I raised my voice a bit but not even where I was shouting

"And I'm sick you denying it, your mine, and you have been ever the day you came here. And I'm not going anywhere"

"Fine if your not going to leave then I will" I said and got up to leave. I didn't make it very far as grabbed my upper arm and pulled me onto his knee

"Don't walk away from me" He nearly shouted

"Just leave me alone, I'm not in the mood" I sighed

"Fine, I will leave you be for now but only because I have work to do. You are not to leave this room while I'm gone, am I clear?" He said sternly


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