Chapter 26

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Kai's P.O.V

Me and Ellie where sitting watching a movie, well I was. She wasn't really paying attention but I didn't say anything. During the movie my phone rang, I was expecting the call so I had to go and take it and I was annoyed that it interrupted my time with Ellie as I knew this phone call would take a while. I told
Ellie I had to take it and then went to my office.

5 minuets later

"Yes okay I will send it out as soon as the money is transferred" I say

"No I want it first"

"And how do I know you won't just take it and not give me my money?"

"Well how do I know you won't just keep my money and not send me it?"

"We all know I'm a man of my word, you on the other hand can't be trusted so either you pay me first and then I send it out to you or you go find someone else" I say sternly, I don't trust him and I know what he is like he wouldn't give me my money

"Fine I'll send it but you better send me the whole lot and not rip me off Kai"

"Is that a threat Johnston?" I demand hoping he wouldn't be stupid enough to threaten me

"Call it what you want"

"I can assure you that everything you pay for will be sent" I say and with that I hang up the phone and go to look for Ellie.

As I get closer to the living room I can hear voices, I couldn't make out what they were saying but I knew it was Ellie and Lucas

"If you want I'll tell Kai " I hear Lucas say as I enter the living room

"Tell me what?"I ask, curious to know what they are talking about and why it involves me or Ellie. I grab Ellie and pull her into me for a hug, she just stands there and doesn't try to move, I see her give Lucas a look as if to say don't say anything and that's when Lucas speaks up

"Uh Nothing" He says before tuning around and trying to walk away

"Lucas" I warn not liking that he didn't answer my question and is trying to walk away from me. "what are you not telling me?" I question further

"Hey can we go finish the movie? It was really good and we didn't get to finish it" Ellie says trying to change the subject, now I really wanna know what they were talking about. The fact that they aren't telling me is really starting to annoy me and I can't help but feel I won't like what it is.

"You weren't even watching it, I seen you, you were lost in your thoughts and weren't paying attention. Now what are you guys hiding from me?" I ask again, She looks at Lucas and shakes her head slowly, probably so I couldn't see but I did

"Did you try to escape again?" I ask, my tone suddenly turns angry, it would make sense as to why she wouldn't want me to know but would Lucas be stupid enough to not tell me?

"No" she says, that reassures me a little bit but I'm still mad that I don't know what they are talking about yet

"I'm getting very angry now, what are yous not telling me?" I rise my voice this time and send Lucas a hard glare, making sure he knows that I want to know and he better tell me

"Come one Ellie you may as well get it over with now" Lucas says "just let me tell him" he continues and then smirks when she replies with a small okay, "Kai, Ellie fancy's you" He says, I wasn't expecting him to say it like that! I was very shocked but also happy, off course I didn't know if it was true or not but Lucas should know not to lie to me like that

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