Chapter 44

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I'm so thankful for all of you who have made it this far into my story and voted! It honestly does mean so much to me to know that you like it and are enjoying what your reading!

Just want to point something out, if you see any mistakes (spelling or if I've wrote something wrong) feel free to comment and let me know I won't take offence!
I brought this up because I have read a few books where they have made a mistake but I've been to afraid to say anything as I didn't want to seem rude. But I would prefer if people let me know so I can change it!


Ellie's P.O.V

Today I am going out with my brother, I haven't seen him in a while or heard from him even but Kai told me that he wasn't available as he had him working a lot and that's why he couldn't contact me. He texted me yesterday saying that he would love if we could meet up and talk. I replied letting him know that I would ask Kai if I was allowed to go out with him. It's funny how I'm 20 and I have to ask permission from my boyfriend to go outside the mansion grounds. Aw well I don't mind I know Kai is only doing it for my safety and I appreciate that!

Other girls and even boys would get so annoyed if someone was trying to control them and tell them if they can or can't go out but I don't care, I know it's to keep me safe. At first I was annoyed but now I realised that it's not a bad thing!

I haven't got round to asking Kai if I could go out yet as I was having a girly day with Rachel and Savannah the other night and all of the next day. It was amazing, we done face masks whilst having our feet relaxing in a lovely hot feet bath with lavender soap. After we took out face masks of we braided each other's hair and then went down to a room I never even knew was here. There was a sauna and a hot tub! Savannah was the one who told us about it, she said she was there with Marcus. I couldn't believe I've lived here for over what 2 months? And I didn't know there was a sauna or a hot tub. After that we all went back to the living room and painted our nails and watched more movies.

Now, I'm currently looking for Kai to ask him if I can go out with my brother today. He better let me because I may have already told Josh I could come. He seemed so happy and I would like to get closer to him again. It will take a while for me but I'm willing to work on it, after all I did for Kai and he kidnapped me. I'm sure I could for my own brother.

I walked into his office but as usual when I need him he's not there, I groan and walk out of his office. I need to find him fast. Josh is supposed to be picking me up in 2 hours and I'm not even ready yet. Ughh why do I leave everything until last minute? I need to get a shower, pick out what I'm going to wear, charge my phone, do my hair and my makeup.

I've actually been the most unorganised person lately and it's really bad. I'm stressing over things that I really shouldn't need to be doing. I stop walking once I reach the kitchen, but I should've guessed that we wouldn't be here.

"Hey have you seen Kai?" I ask Rachel and Lucas as I enter the kitchen. They were baking something but I couldn't see what they were baking.

"Uh nope, check the gym" Lucas said without even turning around. Rachel turned around and smirked at me

"You haven't asked him yet have you?" She asks, she's smirking at me because she already knows the answer.

"No and I'm supposed to be leaving in 2 hours, I still need to get a shower, do my hair and makeup, find out what I'm going to wear and out my phone on charge because it's only at..." I stop and take out my phone to check the time "34%" I sigh, Rachel starts laughing and I glare at her.

"It's not funny Rach!" I exclaim

"It kinda is, you had all day yesterday to ask him and you've had all day today and here you are running about like a headless chicken trying to find him when you need to leave in 2 hours" she laughs

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