Cedric Diggory: All Thats Left

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This isn't real, it's all a sick joke.
He's not dead he can't be
He is though you know it,
He's in front of you on the grass.

I saw him there, with me. Wait what's going on? I'm confused. How is this possible.?

We were two when we first meet, our parents we're friends. He was my best friend the only person I trusted more than my parents. He kept me safe, until Hogwarts we meet new people, he was still my best friend.


I remember this, 3 years ago today, when he first asked me out. He was so nervous and kind he made me happy. I felt so happy.

Wait it's changing again.

Now we're in Hogsmeade on our first date, he held my hands across the table. I'm laughing, he's staring into my eyes. Butterbeers hit the table as we were just served.

Once again

We're at the quidditch pitch, he just won a game, he was so happy. He grabbed my waist and kissed me softly. There was cheering and laughing, and Cedric's friends wolf-whistling.

Changing images

Our picnic date on the Black Lake, "I love you, YN LN." "I love you too." Our first I love you. "Will you be my girlfriend YN." "Yes, Cedric."
I would always remember that.


We stood on the pitch, his hands over my eyes,
I opened my eyes when he said too. There stood all of our friends smiling at us, I turned to Ced he was holding a small box. "It's a promise ring one day it will be a wedding ring." I hugged him and he slipped it on and kissed my lips as everyone awed.


Walking into his house, he wanted you to meet his parents, he met your already. "Mom, Dad." His parents ran down stairs. "Oh YN, I'm so glad it's you." She hugged me tightly.
Later that Day
"My boi you found yourself the one." Amos told Cedric. "I know dad, I know."


We stood where he asked me out, the exact spot. He told me he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Then he got on one knee and asked. "When we finish YN LN, I want to marry you, I can't live without you and I'm not planning on letting you go. So will you marry me." "Yes Cedric, Yes." We kissed like never before.

1 hr before

"Be careful." "I'm not leaning you remember." He smiled, "Still, I love you." "Love you too, got to go YN." "Wait." He turned around and you kissed him. Not knowing it would be your last kiss...


I'm holding on to him, telling him to wake up, no one realized he was dead till they heard Fleur scream. I was holding, "Cedric wake up please, please. Your not supposed to leave me."

"I'm so sorry YN. He said he hopes one day you'll move on. He says he loves you and always will, and your never alone. He will always be by your side. It's my fault I should have protected him." Harry voice cracked.

I continued to cry, I didn't want to leave him. Fred and George had to take me away as I continued to cry.

One Month Later
I was crying in the Gryffindor common room.
"YN don't cry please." Hermione held you close . Your friends walked in, all feeling bad for you.

"I can't." I crocked.

"Yes you can." I shock my head no. I held my ring finger to her. They all gasped.

"He proposed." I nodded and cried into my knees.

"It's gonna be alright." Fred held my hand.

"No it won't. When we were younger we told each other if we weren't married by 30 we'd marry each other. Then he asked me out, it changed everything. When he proposed he told me he'd never let go off me. He wasn't supposed to leave me." I cried as Fred held my shake long body. Everyone pulled in for a group hug.

I wasn't gonna lie to them, I'm not okay.
It wasn't supposed to end like this
Now all that's left is a mer memory.

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