Ron/Draco Wink

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I looked at the boy across the Great Hall, sat with the other Slytherins

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I looked at the boy across the Great Hall, sat with the other Slytherins. Draco looked at me with a smirk on his face as he sent me a small wink, I giggled looking back at my paper. I snuck a glance up and Pansy was on his arm, Draco sat with an annoyed look.

I laughed at him as he stared into my eyes, Hermione tapped my shoulder, "Yeah, Mione?" She had a look of confusion on her face.

"Why are you laughing? Fred and George haven't done anything yet?!" I sighed looking to the others who stared curiously at me.

"No reason, I thought of Percy tripping when he chased after those 1st year Slytherins." The other chuckled at the memory from years ago.

Ron has sat rather close to me, Lavender staring at him. "Ron, you know she likes you right?" He looked to Lavender.

"So? What about you?" I snuck a quick glance as the Slytherin.

"Ron it's been a month since we broke up, I really don't care, we're friends that's  it, go ask her on a date." Ron smiled before walking over to Lavender.

As we all continued I felt someone staring at me, I looked up at Draco, he was moshing to the entrance of the Great Hall. Closing my book, "Bye Guys." I handed Snap my paper and exited the Hall.

A few minutes after exiting Draco came over to me in the next Hall. He kissed me on the lips passionately, "Parkinson was all over you!" I growled at the thought of the girl on his arm.

Draco chuckled into the kiss, "I'm yours, love, don't be jealous. But Ron was rather close to you..."

I smiled, "He likes Lavender, I convinced him to ask her out." Draco smiled taking his robe off. I laughed lightly as he held it in his arms as we began walk to ROR.

It had become our place to hide from everyone else and to be ourselves together. Draco sat on the coach and I sat draping my legs over him as I got comfortable.

"No love come here!" He demanded, sighing I stood up and laid myself to where he could wrap his arms around my waist. Sighing happily I leaned up, kissing his cheek and jaw line.

"Your my little snake." I mumbled as I dig myself into his chest in hopes of warmth. Draco kissed my head.

"Your hair smells like strawberries and chocolate." He mumbled softly as he was falling asleep.

I woke up to being pulled off Draco, I yelped as I realized that the twins held me. The Slytherins took Draco on the other side of the coach. Me and Draco shared frightened and shocked looks.

Pansy glared at me, "Why were you all over my boyfriend?" I scoffed.

"He's my boyfriend you PUG!" Draco chuckled causing her to hit him.

She smirked, "His parents will never let you be together!"

I smirked this time, "I'm a PureBlood, it doesn't matter. Now why are you guys here?"

Harry stared at me angrily, "You left after each other and we both couldn't find either of you!"

I sighed, "Why are you so mad?"

Fred glared at the Slytherins, "It's Malfoy, The Slytherin Prince!"

I walked to Draco taking his hand, "I love him." Their faces softened as they knew Love was an uncommon word for me.

"I love her as well, plus Pansy my parents already know." She huffed storming out of the room.

I looked to Ron, "What do you think?"

He smiled, "You'd  forgiven me when I did something much worse, plus I can't get mad at my best friend since 5 years old."

"Are you all oaky with it? With us?" All of the Gryffindor and Slytherins looked at each other. The all nodded at each other and mumbled things of agreements.

"Okay, now I'm tired, let's go to sleep." I yawned, I kissed Draco's cheek, "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow love." We walked with our two house going different directions.

Battle of Hogwarts
I looked around the room filled with bodies of people I went to school with. People who I called my family, I was just glad Draco wasn't there. My eyes wandered till it saw Freds body.

"No!" I whispered running over to his body, the Weasleys all we're around us. I cried softly as Ron entered the Hall, standing up I gave him a tight hug.

Hermione and Harry came over to us, "What's wrong?" Ron asked pulling back.

I sniffed, "Ron... it's it's Fr-Fred." Robs eyes widened meeting his family as he ran over. Harry and Hermione followed in suit. I sat down beside Remus and Tonks bodies, I looked to their hands.

Leaning forward I connected them, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you. Rest In Peace."

30 Minutes Later
There was a loud sound from outside as we all went outside. I found Draco and ran over to him, taking his hand. He looked at me with a sad smile, as we looked back to Voldemort.

"Harry Potter is dead!" I stepped back, Draco squeezed my hand. All of us screaming and yelling, while the bad cheered in delight.

"Now before I kill you, I must ask is there some amongst yourselves would like to join me?" No one made a sound or moved.

"Draco! Draco come!" Lucius called him, I tightened my grip on his hand.

"YN, come!" Dad called me, Everyone looked to us. I stayed where I was, Draco stayed beside me.

"Fine, you two stay you'll have to suffer later!"

"Draco he's dead!" I cheered happily, Draco hugged me back.

"I love you so bloody much!" He kissed my passionately, Draco wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you to my little snake!" We both laughed.

"You know the first time we kissed I winked at you?" I nodded, "So would it be okay if I get on my knee and propose that I wink at you?"

I stared at him confused till he got down on his knee. "Will you YN LN marry me?" My eyes widened.

"I-I'd Love to!" I cheered happily as he slipped the ring on, "Wait!"

"What?" I turned to him, he sent me a wink before we walked into the Hall.

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