Sirius/ Shes Not A Fling

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It was A known fact that Sirius Black did not know how to love

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It was A known fact that Sirius Black did not know how to love. And it was a known fact that if you even dared try to get with Skyler Potter, you would be dead. So why was it that Sirius Black loved Skyler Potter.
"What the bloody hell do you mean 'you're in love with me' Sirius if James finds out." Skyler didn't know how to react, were all those flirtatious comments and winks real.

Sirius grabbed her hands, "I mean, I love you Skyler, LOVE you. I want to be with you."

Skyler scoffed, "You just want to get in my pants like all the other girls moaning your name at night!"

Sirius looked her in the eyes, "I'm not lying, I want to be with you. Not in your pants, I what to marry you and have a family."

"You have to prove it to me."

"As long as it takes." Sirius smiled at her happily as she walked away probably to find Lilly.

4 Weeks Later
Sirius stood in front of the girl he confessed to a month ago, "Do you believe me now?"

Over the coarse of weeks Sirius had sent Skyler gifts and notes. He sent her inspirational quotes to get her to wake up. Skyler finally began to realize the He wasn't lying. She wasn't a fling to him.

Plus is he was lying Sirius would be murdered by James

"I believe you, but are you ready to put your manhoe days away?"

Sirius chuckled at Skylers choice of word to describe his flings, "I'm ready, if it means I have you."

Skyler smiled at his words coming closer, "James can never know, no one can." Sirius nodded before pulling his new girlfriend into a passionate kiss.
Drunk Party/ Slightly for Older Viewers
We were currently at a after Quiddich celebration for winning. While James was away, Sirius lead me upstairs to his room. I sat on his bed, when Sirius came over, I pushed him on the bed.

I kissed his lips passionately before moving down to his neck, sucking lightly to make a hickey. Sirius has his hands exploring my body.

He slipped my shirt off as I went back to his lips. He flipped us over so he was on top of me. He sucked lightly on my neck before the door swung open.

"Bloody Hell! What are you two doing?" I grabbed my shirt pulling it over myself.

"Hi Remus?" I greeted shoving Sirius off me. "Please don't tell James, he would kill us!"

Remus sighed, "Fine but go to the party, James is getting worried. How long have you been together anyways?"

"A few weeks." I walked over to Lilly, playfully sitting on her lap, before winking at James and getting off.

A Few Hours Later

Everyone left the party except me, Lilly, Marlene, Alice and the Marauders. "Let's play Truth or Dare." James suggested as we al sat down together in a circle.

Lilly went first, "Skyler Truth or Dare." She asked me.

"Dare." I responded.

"I dare you to kiss... Sirius." I smirked to myself as James went on a tantrum, "She will do no-. Skyler!" James yelled as I kissed Sirius before sitting back down.

"James Truth or Dare?"

James still in shock muttered 'dare'.

I smirked at Lilly, "Kiss Lilly, passionately." James smirked as Lilly flushes. James looked at her, "Are you sure, Lilly?" He asked for permission first.

"Sure, it's only a game." I knew full well Lilly wanted to kiss him. James nodded before pulling her into a kiss. James pulled away out of breath before turning to Remus.

"Truth or Dare, Moony."

"Truth." Remus muttered already done with the game.

"What's the biggest secret you uncovered today?" Mine and Sirius eyes widened as Remus causally answered, "Skyler and Sirius are a couple."

I tackled Remus angrily and went to hex him but Sirius pulled me off him. "Pads? Are you dating my sister? Sky are you dating him?" I nodded taking Sirius hand in mine.

"No! You're not dating her Sirius, all you want is to get into her pants and you're done with her! Skyler go to bed, you're not dating this dog anymore! Go!"

"No, James! I love him and he loves me. I made him prove himself for a month and he passed. We didn't want to tell you because you'd start acting like you're the boss of everyone. And I'm not a little girl, James I can do what I want."

James eyes softened as he looked down, "Alright, I trust the both of you, but Pads one wrong move I wil have your head on fire." Me and Sirius both pulled James into a hug.

"Come on Sirius, let's fly on your broom." Sirius smiled taking the broom and Skylers hand before walking outside Hogwarts. The two of them got on and flew to the quidditch pitch.

Passing the Black Lake and forbidden forest. The sights were beautiful they even managed to see a Hippogriff under the trees. Sirius took her around Hogwarts to give her the best flight shes ever been on.

Soon the Quidditch Pitch cane into sight as Sirius cane closer to the circle structure. Gryffindor had just finished their practice and went into shower and get changed. When they got there, they took a break and looked at the view from the pitch.

Skyler still held onto Sirius as she pulled his face to meet her. They both smiled at she pressed her lips onto his. It was a passionate kiss that wasn't rough and wasn't slow. It was perfect for the two of them.

"Oi! Sirius get your lips away from my sister." The two broke apart and looked down at James.

Sirius and Skyler shared eye rolls before heading down. James ran over to Skyler, "Black you're taking my sisters innocence and I don't like it." James playfully glared.

Sirius smirked wrapping an arm around Skyler, "I haven't taken that, just yet, Mate." James growled before he and Sirius began to fake fight as Skyler just walked away. "Boys."

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