Marauders/ The Picture

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The picture sat in its Fran of red and gold. The picture describe all of our years at Hogwarts. The picture showed them, all of the people that I once loved and lost. Each time I was forced to cross the off the picture.

-a line above their head showing that person was now deceased.

Only one person remained of the picture no mark above them. Me. I was the last of the picture.

Marlene dead, Alice paralyzed, Frank paralyzed, Sirius dead, Remus dead, Lilly dead. James and Peter dead. Regulus... All dead or paralyzed, but never forgotten.

I made sure that their graves were together, and Sirius memorial beside James and Remus. At Hogwarts their was a memorial beside the Shrieking Shack. With all of my friends names carved, mine right beside James And Regulus my love. I even got Severus added to it, he deserved to not be forgotten.

I watched as the once mere toddlers grew up and got married. Harry now has us first son and his wife Ginny. During the war, I saved the Weasley Twins, but I didn't save Remus or Tonks.

I blame myself, it's hard being the last person from our time that can walk and tell the story of the Marauders. My son and daughter were now adults and would always question the picture. I didn't like talking about it, but as the last someone must tell our story...

"Hey, YN." Harry smiles as he entered his house with baby James. I smiled kissing the boy I raised cheek taking the baby.

"Hello Harry!" I replied taking a seat on the rocking chair.

Harry never knew about the picture, I never wanted to tell him the sad story. But like a fool I left the picture out of the table beside Harry. He looked at it then back at me, "Whats this?"

I looked down, "It's about time I told you about that picture... Well Harry it started with your parents..."

The Death of Lilly and James Potter
He entered the home of the Potters, James went to face him. Lilly ran upstairs with Harry to hide, but at this time, James was dead.

Voldemort headed upstairs in search of Harry, he entered a room with Lilly and Harry. He offered to kill Harry and let Lilly live, she stood her ground and she fell to the ground. Voldemort tried to kill Harry but ultimately killed himself instead.

With tears in my eyes, I made a red mark above the angry Lilly and smiling James with an arm around her.

The paralyzation of the Longbottoms

Alice hide her son away as they entered the house. Voldemort's followers, lead by Bellatrix Lestrange.

Frank and Alice fought back, but the four Death Eaters over powered the couple and they were tortured into insanity.

I looked at Sirius and Remus as I made two more red marks over the smiling couple. With a sigh we all shared longing looks.
The Suicide of Regulus Black

He knew he was the only one who could get the horcrux. So he left me the 1 month pregnant women with his twins. I understood why he had to do it, but I didn't want to say goodbye.

I looked at the boy who stared at Remus and I in jealousy as I was on Remus back. I made the red mark. With a smile as I remembered after this picture he stole my first kiss.
The Death of Marlene McKinnon

Her parents screamed as they meet their ends, in an attempt to save their daughter. Marlene stared at their murders, unable to move. There was a weight on her body.

With a flick of the wand Marlene was running for her life. A simple word she was down and gone.

Remus held Sirius who had just lost the only girl he's ever truly loved as I made another red mark over Marlene who stared lovingly at Sirius.

The Murder of Sirius Black

I stood beside my two best friends fighting to protect the ones we loved. Bellatrix sent a free at Sirius as he was laughing with Harry. I screamed but held Harry back as did Remus.

Sirius sent us a longing look before he disappeared into the mirror. Harry ran off after Bellatrix as I sank down to my knees, crying. "Noooo!" I shook my head in disbelief.

I looked over at the crying kids spread across the living room. With a small whimper I crossed a line above Sirius head, who stared at Marlene. Before going over to Harry and my daughter and son.

The Strangulation of Peter Pettigrew

Malfoy Manor was where he was killed, when I thought of Peters death I refused to think of the bad person. I thought of the old him, the one who had a heart. My first instinct is think of the past.

So when Remus told me about Peters silver hand strangling him for Voldemort. I thought back to the day of the picture. When we got all together just so I could take a picture of all of us together in 5th year.

I glared at the picture before making a mark above Peters's head.

The Death of Remus Lupin

It was the Battle of Hogwarts, I prayed every night Remus would live. I didn't want to be alone ever, I couldn't lose him to. But it didn't work.

Remus died beside Tonks, so they were payed beside each other in the Great Hall. I grabbed their hands and made them link together. Then my tears came, there was no holding back.

The Weasleys all hugged me, "Remus wake up! Wake up!" I cried staring at him as Molly pulled me into her arms, "Molly he's not waking up."

I made the mark above Remus head who carried me on his back. With that final mark, I looked at the last one left.

At the end Harry was in tears as he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, but your not alone, you'll have us."

I shook my head, "You can't be with me forever. Oh Harry what I would give to be with them. To be with my Regulus. Oh Harry, how I miss them, I'll be with them one day. But for now, you have to go to work. I'll watch James. I'd say go already."

"Remember Ginny has Albus now, but pick him up at 4 for she can go to work."

"Alright, now go!"
Harry chuckled as we walked outside, I locked the door. Harry sent  me a confused look, "Where are you going?"

I smiled at James, "Well if he's gonna be like his grandpa and granduncles we have to visit the Twins shop. I haven't seen those two in a while. Bye Harry, have a good day at work." I yelled before I apparated to the Twins Joke Shop.

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