James/ First and Last Love

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Kinda like Alison and Scott

It's said if you love something to let it go, I did

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It's said if you love something to let it go, I did.

I feel in love with James Potter, one of my best friends. Though I let him go once he fell in love with Lilly Evans. In between he fell for me, we dated, until we split.

It was mutual, but I didn't know that my feelings stayed. So did his even when he started dating Lilly. Even when I started to date a Ravenclaw boy.

"Y/N are you alright?" Lilly asked shaking my arm.

"Huh, I'm alright. Oh my Godric what time is it." The Marauders looked at us two as I outburst.

"Um almost 4." Lilly replied.

"Oh my Godric I'm late, how do I look?"

"Amazing." They replied.

"Where are you going?" James asked me as I ran around grabbing my bag and sweater.

"Me and Jackson have a date tonight I'm late." I pretended not to see James frown at my response. "Bye, don't stay up, I'm probably going to the Ravenclaw Common Room tonight."

Sirius sniggered at that response, "I'm gonna sleep in Olivia's dorm okay not Jacks!" I shoved Sirius out of his chair before running out of the Common Room.

James POV
Lilly looked at me, "James come with me real quick." I stood up and followed after her into a broom closet.

"James do you still have feelings for YN?" I scoffed, "Of course not, I love you Lilly. Plus she's with Jackson."

Lilly smiled seeming to believe my answer. "Alright, come on James." Lilly lead me back to the Common Room. I laid on the coach as Lilly played with my hair.

I love Lilly, not YN, I love Lilly not YN, I love Lilly not YN, I love YN not Lilly. Wait, no YN not Lilly, no damn it, never-mind!

"Jack I'm sorry- I was with Lilly and the bo-. Oh my gosh! H-How could you?!" I screamed as Jackson pulled away from Bellatrix.

"What YN you should have seen it coming? First James dumps you, it's only natural Jackson cheated on you with well me."

I turn away but turn back, "It's good I never actually loved you, you jerk!"

Then I ran back to the Gryffindor common room, "YN are you alright!" James sat up knocking Lilly off him.

"No! Jackson was making out with Bellatrix in the halls." I cry as James pulled me into his arms to let me cry. Everyone ignored Lilly on the floor and came over to me.

"Lilly are you alright?" I sniff.

"I'm great, come on maybe you should get some rest." Lilly suggested before taking me in her arms and helping me upstairs.

"Goodnight boys, Remus I'll be good by tomorrow." I look back at them, they nodded in understand-meant.

Lilly pushed me in the room, "YN! I want you to stay away from James."

I scoffed, "What do you mean stay away from James? Just because your a jealous bigot doesn't mean I'm gonna stay away from him."

"A jealous bigot! How dare you?" She yelled at me.

"I thought we were friends, why are you yelling at me?"

"Because he loves you!" I scoffed pushing her away from her.

"Well maybe if you hadn't went behind my back and dated him when you knew that I still loved him!" I screamed running out of the room back to the boys.

"James your girlfriend is a bigot. And I'm sleeping in your guys room." I scream dragging Remus, who grabbed Sirius, who grabbed James, and who grabbed Peter.

Next Night
I snuck out of the Common Room with the boys for tonight was a full moon. The boys were all pretty tired so I knew that I would have to do most of the work.

We went into the whomping willow as I chained Remus up. "I told you guys not to stay up late last night."

"We're fine YN." I sighed as I finished the last chain.

"Okay Rem. All set." Remus gave me a small smile as he groaned and began to transform into his wild self. I turned into a cheetah as the wolf Remus came out.

He grew big and began to attack, the boys helped but they were low of energy. I just kept throwing Remus away from them or from eating Peter multiple times.

Then he grabbed me as James and Sirius tried to get him to release me from his grip. I growled as he squeezed me.

Then he threw me as hard as he could as I hit a huge tree. I came out of my animagus self as the boys untransformed. The moon was covered and Rem came back to normal and they all ran to me.

Blood, was covering my body as Remus claws had dug into me. And the tree hitting me opening more wounds.

"Peter get Dumbledore, McGonagall But first Pomfry!" James Yelled in panic as he pulled me into his arms.

Remus kept apologizing, "It's alright Rem, that wasn't you." Sirius pulled him away leaving me with James.

"Come on your gonna be okay." James pulled me closer.

"I-I love you James." I whisper as I moved the hair from his face. I coughed as blood sputtered out.

"You were my first and last Love James, I'm sorry we didn't get to do the things we planned. Like get married, have kids, move in with Sirius, Remus and Peter." James smiled as he stared into my eyes.

"Tell Remus it's not his fault and if he keeps blaming himself I will haunt him. Tell Sirius to just ask out Marlene or Remus either one works. Peter tell Peter um I don't know, goodbye. James one day move on okay, I want you to do what we said we would do."

"I can't do it without you." James cried.

"Please James, stay safe and fall in love. Get into trouble, keep pranking, for me." James nodded.
"I-I will always love you."

James POV
Her eyes closed as the teachers arrived, Pomfrey ran over checking her pulse, "S-she's gone."

"Noo! No come on YN! Wake up! Please, I Love you!" I shook her trying to wake her up.

"Mr. Lupin and Black please take Potter to the room." McGonagall sniffed as the boys grabbed me and took me away.

She's gone!
She can't be gone.
I will spend the rest of my life
Missing her.

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