Harry Potter: Water Spills

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I was walking with Cedric and a few of my friends to the Great Hall for lunch

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I was walking with Cedric and a few of my friends to the Great Hall for lunch. All day I felt like someone was watching me. It was slightly uncomfortable.

When we walked into the Hall all in fits of laughter. A bit after we came in the trio walked in. Me and Harry meet eyes and I immediately blushed looking away.

Honestly I tried to make it the least bit of obvious that I liked him. No one knew, well I don't think so.

While I ate my toast, I felt someone staring at me. Me being slightly uncomfortable about it, ignored it.

Justin was beside me as Alexia made us all laugh. I leaned on him for support. But the state moved and changed to a glare.

It relaxed when I moved away from Justin. Finally I was curious enough to look around. I meet Harry's eyes again, he smiled and his pumpkin juice spilled out.

I laughed slightly as he turned a bright shade of red. We stared at each other till I realized my friends were watching me.

"Really..." Cedric laughed, noticing I wasn't listening.

What I didn't know was my friends stopped talking and watched me and Harry stare at each other. It seemed his friends noticed as well.

"What?" I asked looking away.

"YN and Potter sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." They sang.
Soon the Hall joined in.

"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage." They all finished.

Immediately I went bright red, like Harry already was.

"Shut up, you toe rag." I hit Cedric's arm.

"I'm not the one staring at Potter for 10 minuets without blinking." He chuckled.

"I hate you sometimes. I don't care that your my brother or a Hogwarts Champion. I can still kick your arse." I teased him, he rolled his eyes as everyone close enough laughed.

Once again I looked up and Harry was sitting beside Ginny. She was a little two close, so I frowned looking away.

"Are you jealous?" Justin whispered in my ear.

"Why should I be we're not dating?" I asked looking to the Irish blue orbs of his.

"You like him don't you?" He asked me.

"Well, Yeah, don't tell Cedric." I demanded.

"Okay YN, and congratulations." Justin smirks.

"For what?"

"We just made Harry jealous." He nodded his head over to Harry. He stared over glaring at Justin.

Harry's eyes meet mine, I smiled brightly at him. His smile once again appeared on his face. Looking over at Justin.

"We did, come on we have DADA." We got up, saying our goodbyes to the others as we left.

Harry watched us the whole way out. Justin made sure to keep touching me, making sure Harry was watching.

"Your evil, you know that." I told Justin.

"But he's jealous, isn't he." Swinging his arm over my shoulder I leaned on him.

"An evil genius." We high-fived.

After Classes
Harry grabbed my arm pulling me into an empty classroom.

"Harry! What are you doing?"

He pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. Almost immediately kissed back. After a few seconds, we pulled away out of breath.

"Wow!" I breathed out.

"Sorry, I couldn't take it anymore." Harry scratched the back of his neck. I laughed before kissing him again.

"I like you a lot, YN." Harry confessed.

I kissed him again, "I like you too."

"That's good." He smiled nervously.

"Aren't you supposed to ask me something?" I smiled at him.

"Want to go to the ball with me?"

"I'd love too go with you."

He hugged me and I kissed him again.

"YN, Cedric not gonna like this." Justin chuckled closing the door.

"Busted, I should go before he tells Cedric." Harry put a sour face.

"Are you jealous? Of Justin? Gross he's like my brother." I grimaced.

"I'm not sure..."

"What about Ginny?" I crossed my arms.

"Gross shes like my sister... oh I get it. See you later YN." I laughed at his response.

I fixed myself before running after Justin.

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