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Willow and Jacob had been ringing me every day for the last couple of weeks trying to get me to leave the house. I'd been invited out to dinner, to the movies, to the clubhouse for family day, shopping trips and although I could have used the shopping trip to buy new clothes I didn't want to leave the safety of my bedroom.

I had nothing that fitted anymore I mainly wore pyjamas, tank tops, or the guys shirt I took from the club house. I barely wore make up and I hardly brushed my hair. It was safe to say I was one hot mess. I was in a slump.

I'd spent the last month binge watching TV series. I'd watched Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries, and I was half way through Grimm. I'd watched movies with mum and Mason. I cleaned my room. I even started reading a book I found on mum's bookshelf.

I was currently sitting on the lounge watching Step Up with mum. I was almost due for my second ultrasound. DR Clarke said I could find out the sex of the baby if I wanted to, I was kind of looking forward to it, but I was scared at the same time. I spent a lot of time crying.

One night not that long ago I cried telling mum over and over again that I couldn't do it. She held me the whole time telling me that I could do it and that she would always have my back.

I bawled my eyes out the day I put my favourite pair of jeans on and I couldn't get them to do up.

Most of the time I was excited about becoming a mum and other times I was scared and down about it.

"Cindy, I think it's time you left the house, well go shopping get some baby stuff buy you some new clothes"

"Thanks, but I just want to stay home"

"I'm not taking no for an answer, Cindy you only leave the house for your doctor's appointments" she said standing up "We are going shopping tomorrow I've already told Willow and Jacob to meet us here" she bent down and kissed my forehead "I'll see you bright and early in the morning. Night"

She walked out of the room. I sat there for a while scrolling through Facebook I decided to message Willow and Jacob on messenger 'so shopping'

Willow: Yep 9.30

Jacob: I need more hair products

Cindy: I need baby stuff

Jacob: we know

Willow: Yay finally we can buy clothes

Cindy: neutral colours tho

Willow: I can't wait to find out what you're having

Jacob: I hope it's a girl

Cindy: I'm glad you are both going to be in my baby's life. You will be the best Aunt and Uncle.

Jacob: oh, I just shed a tear babe's.

Willow: I'm gonna be the best Aunt ever

Cindy: I'm going to bed this Mumma needs her beauty sleep. Love you both

Willow: Love you too. Night

Jacob: Night Mumma. Love ya's


We spent all day shopping I bought a few pairs of clothes to last me through the pregnancy, stretchy things like tights and dresses. I bought a couple of outfits for the baby in a nice mint green colour. I found a few things I liked for a girl cute little onesies and tutu's.

We went to lunch our favourite Chinese restaurant.

"Ok so if it's a girl you should call it Willow" Willow said smiling at me

"No one willow is enough" Jacob said flicking ice at her

"Hey, don't waste the ice on her I wanna eat it" I said trying to sound pissed off

"You have already eaten a glass full of ice" Willow shot back

"Shut up I'm pregnant and its like one of the only things I crave" I cried

North, Pyro, Tank and Ice walked in and strolled towards pulling chairs over to the table. North stole food from Willow plates after kissing here. She just pushed her plate towards.

"It's true" my mum said "we have to keep the ice trays stocked up at all times, we forgot to refill it last week and she cried" she laughed.

"MUM" I screeched feeling my cheeks start to heat up.

Pyro went to steal my honey chicken off my plate. "hey, you don't take a pregnant ladies food" I said giving him death stares and using my fingers to steal it back off the fork. I licked the honey off my fingers smiling at him.

He shook his head and laughed at me. "you feel it kick yet" he asked

"Yeh it feels pretty weird" I said pushing my plate towards him.

Tank stood up fast his chair cluttering to the ground he turned and stormed out of the shop.

"What's his problem" Ice asked

"he's been like it since he got back" North said

"no, he hasn't" Ice said "he was fine till we played double, half way through he stormed off"

Willow and Jacob looked at each other "shit" they both said.

"What?" North asked

"I, we" Willow started

"We" Jacob

"spit it out" Ice yelled. Making the other patrons stop and stare at us

"we were talking about Cindy that night, and that we thought one of the brothers would have to be the father of her baby, he overheard part of the conversation and he asked who was pregnant. We said Cindy, and he stormed off after that" Willow said not taking her eyes off North.

"Shit" North yelled

"why would that piss him off?" Pyro asked shovelling food into his mouth

"what if he's the father" Willow said

"You think Tank is the father?" I asked.

The whole table was quiet for a while, the only noise was me munching on ice. I looked at each and everyone around the table.

"Cindy" North finally said "which room did you wake up in? did you take anything from the room? Any clues? Remember anything from the room?" he asked

"Umm I took a shirt" I said looking down at my lap "I still have it, I umm I sleep in it or wear it around the house. It's super comfy and it fits me without being too tight"

"oh, hold on" Willow said grabbing her phone after a minute she shoved the phone at North "she sent a selfie in it the other day"

"I dunno for sure but I'm pretty sure that's Tanks" North said looking at me.

"Well Cindy, we may have found your baby daddy" Jacob said smiling

"I dunno" I said sounding unsure.

I didn't want to say he was or not. I didn't want to get my hopes up in case it turned out not to be true. I couldn't remember anything from that night and believe me I had tried to piece it all together. My mind was completely blank. I'd gone over and over everything from arriving to waking up naked and running out of there.

I would love to have all the pieces to the puzzle laid out on the table.


Hey guys. 

I just want to say thankyou to everyone who has read this far. I really appreciate all the reads and the votes. Let me know what you all think.


Lots of love


Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now