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I walked into Baby Buntings and my mouth dropped open. There was baby stuff crammed in everywhere. Clothes, cots, porta cots, high chairs, prams, toys, bottles, nappies, wipes, blankets, car seats, carries, monitors, change tables, lamps, chairs, books, dresses, mattresses, nets.

There was people and kids everywhere, babies crying, kids screaming, it was complete chaos.

I walked towards the cots at the back of the store. There was so many to choose from there were white ones and brown ones, plain ones and fancy ones, round ones and square ones, wooden one and plastic looking ones. There was large ones and small ones which I couldn't see the baby sleeping in for long before she out grew it, what was the point in spending five hundred dollars on something like that?

I was standing in the middle of all the cots, looking at all of them. I was way out of my comfort zone here. There were so many different ones how the hell was I supposed to know what was the best one? I wanted a cot just a cot.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Ice

"yeah" he answered

"get your ass down to Baby Buntings"

"what the fuck for?"

"to help me buy a fucking cot ya fuckwad"

"Ya fucking kidding me right"

"Just get down here arsehole"

"yeah yeah" he said hanging up.

Fifteen minutes later, Ice, Pyro and North walked into the shop wearing their cuts. Everybody stopped and looked our way, some grabbing their kids and leaving the store, others walking to a different section.

"here well grab this one lets go" Ice said standing in front of an oval frame with plastic and a mattress.

"I am not having my baby sleep in the weird ass plastic contraption" I said glaring at him

"hey, you asked for my help"

A sales assistant came over to us then "hi I'm Vanessa, is there anything I can help you with today?"

She had short dark hair shaved on the sides. Her had tattoos on her hand and for forearms. Ear rings in both her ears top to bottom and her face painted in makeup, she had her nose and upper lip to the right pierced. She wore black slacks and a black button up shirt with the baby bunting's logo on the right side.

"yeah darling this dick here is looking for a cot for his young one" Ice said throwing his arm around the girl.

"ok how much are you looking to spend" she asked biting her bottom lip.

"money isn't an issue" I said gruffly as Ice groaned watching her suck her bottom lip in.

"Ok" she leads us over and showed us a few different ones. She explained the differences and asked a few questions. In the end she showed me a dark timber stained bed, she said she could do me a deal for the bed, tallboy and change table which were the same colour and brand, cot mattress, and accessories for just over two thousand. 

While she organised all that I walked around and threw a few other thing in

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While she organised all that I walked around and threw a few other thing in. I bought a bouncer thing that vibrated and played music it had a mobile with toys dangling from it and a porta cot. I stood in front of the clothes looking at these tiny one-piece outfits.

"How the fuck do you know what size to buy?" I said holding up an outfit

"Beats me man" North said shrugging his shoulders "maybe the smallest"

"what if it comes out huge" Pyro said slapping north upside the head

"hey" North yelled shoving Pyro.

"Just grab a couple of these and these and we're done" Pyro said grabbing an outfit in three different colours in every size available.

Going to the checkout I handed over my card.

"what the fuck are these" Ice asked holding up some rubber looking teat things.

"nipple shields" Vanessa said from behind the counter

"Nipple what" he asked stunned

"Nipple shields, they protect your nipples when the baby feeds" she explained rolling her eyes.

Ice dropped them back in the container. Vanessa laughed and held up a weird contraption "would you like to buy a pump for fifty dollars today sir?"

"A pump" I asked

"yes, a breast pump. So, the mother of the baby can pump her breast milk" she explained with laughter in her voice.

We all looked shocked and disturbed while Vanessa the sales assistant stood there laughing

"no thanks" I mumbled not looking at the breast pump.

I got them to deliver it all to Cindy's house. I'd pick up the porta cot from there and have it set up in my room at the clubhouse.

Leaving the store, we hoped on our bikes and left Ice shaking his head as he rode away.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now