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I was lying in bed, almost asleep when my phone went off. Grabbing it off the bedside table I checked it noticing I had a text from Cindy.

Cindy: We need to talk. I'll be home soon.

I jumped out of bed, pulling clothes on. Walking out the door I made sure to lock it behind me.

Walking down the hall I ran into Ice "what's the hurry man" he shouted

"going to get Cindy" I hollered back.

"Bout fucking time" he said.

I jumped on my bike and speed out of the yard.

I had known where she was for a couple of days. I had gotten Hacker onto it the moment I left her mother's house. He traced her phone until she turned it off but by then it was too late I already knew where she was. He tracked her key card, so I knew which motel she was staying at.

I was going to give her two more days before I went after her, that way she would have had a weeks' worth of space, but she had made contact and I wasn't waiting any longer.

The week had given me a lot of time to think. I knew me, and Cindy had a lot to talk about. A lot that needed to be sorted out. I wanted to be a family and I would do everything in my power to make it happen.

I pulled into the motel parking lot, parked my bike beside Cindy's car. I walked up to her door and knocked. When I got no answer, I knocked a bit louder.

A couple minutes later the door was pulled open and there she stood wearing short pink sleeping shorts and a black singlet. Her hair was sticking up all over the place, but she had never looked so good.

"What the heck are you doing here?" she screamed at me

"I've given you space, now it's time to come home" I said

"you can't tell me what to do" she said grabbing the door she swung it shut. I stuck my foot in the door frame stopping the door from latching shut.

Opening the door wide I walked in, slamming the door shut behind me. Grabbing her by the arm I pulled her to me. Capturing her mouth with mine. She started to melt in my arms. She tasted like mint and heaven all rolled into one. God, I had missed this.

Abruptly she moved backwards trying to put as much space between us as she could manage whilst I still had her in my arms.

"you can't just kiss me like that and expect me to forgive you" she spat pushing at my chest

"nothing happened with Stacey" I said letting her go

"pfft" she scoffed sitting down on the end of the bed.

"I'm serious Cindy. I had just gotten out of the shower walked into my room and she was standing there." She didn't look up at me once, so I sat down beside her and took her hands in mine "Babe you walked in as I was telling her to get out" I said

"do you really expect me to believe that" she said letting go of my hand she stood up and started pacing.

"I throw myself at you and you run away from me. Your naked and she's standing in your room, dressed like that and you expect me to believe you didn't tap that" she ranted "I stood before you ready to give you everything. You're the father of my baby, I'm falling in love with you, I wanted you to have my body like you have my heart" tears were streaming down her face as she paced "but you don't want me like that"

I stood up wrapping her in my arms I pulled her down, so she was sitting on my lap. Pushing her hair back out of her face I looked into her eyes. "I want you more then anything else in the world babe. Walking away from you will be my biggest regret. I'm falling in love with you too." I said kissing her forehead "I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I've never fucked Stacey because I have. But I did not touch her that night you walked in."

"really?" she asked

"really babe"

"why'd you run away from me?" she asked shyly

"I wanted you to be sure that it was what you wanted. I have too much respect for you. Cindy you aren't just a fuck to me." I explained "If I had of stayed a second longer I would have walked across the room and taken you"

"So, you don't find me disgusting" she asked.

"no Cindy you are the most beautiful and sexy women I have ever seen"

"So you don't want the slag dressed in leather"

I laughed "No, when I got back to my room I told her to get the fuck out and that you were everything to me. Ask Willow and Jacob babe they seen the whole thing. Then I spent all night riding around looking for you" I told her.

She flung her arms around my neck hugging me tight. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her to me.

"I love you Tank" she whispered close to my ear.

"I love you to Cindy" I whispered back kissing her neck.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now