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Jacob had left after the baby shower to pick up one of his new friends Makenzie. He wanted us to meet her. He said he had invited her to the baby shower, but she had to work so he said she had to come to the girl's night.

Girls night consisted of Willow and Jacob. Shell and Becca my cousins and Makenzie.

Makenzie was shy at first until they all started drinking and she came out of her shell. She had long blonde hair. She was wearing black tights with a white and black flannelette shirt open over a black singlet. She had very little in the way of make up maybe a touch of mascara and some lip gloss.

"So how did you two meet?" Willow asked moving her finger between Jacob and Mackenzie.

"On the side of the road" Makenzie shyly said, Jacob laughed.

"she had run out of petrol and was just sitting there" he said

"ironically I work at a fuel station" she said looking down at her feet. "so, he took me to get petrol. Filled my car up and there you have it"

"and here we are" Jacob said pulling her in for a hug.

Willow, Jacob, Shell and Becca were all drinking vodka and orange juice, being pregnant mine were virgins not vodka for me. We had footloose playing on the TV while we painted our nails, we all had facemasks on of varying colours. Willow had a black one, Jacob's was bright blue, Makenzie's was green, Shell's was a brown and Becca's was Yellow and mine was an aqua colour. We all looked ridicules and had of course posed for photos.

"I so want streaks in my hair" Shell said suddenly sound super excited.

"You'll have to bleach the streaks in first" Jacob running his fingers through Shell's hair. "what colour streaks" he asked.

Shell had thick, long dark hair. She wore excessive makeup. She was wearing black tight, a red tartan mini skirt and a black t-shirt with some band on it.

"red I want bright red streaks. It'll go nice with my hair colour" she said excitedly.

Pouring himself another drink Jacob went searching for bleach. Willow had an obsession with putting coloured streaks through her hair, always a different colour at the moment she had pink streaks, so it was safe to say that she should have what we needed to streak Shell's hair.

Jacob came back with the red dye and a bottle of Domestos household bleach. "I couldn't find any hair bleach, so I found this I figured since it bleaches my clothes it should bleach hair right" he said holding the bottle up shaking it back and forth.

"Let's do it" Shell said taking her shirt off as well as her tights and skirt. "what that shit ruins your clothes" shrugging her shoulders she sat down in front of Jacob and Willow in her lacy hot pink undies and bra.

They brushed her hair out pulling the top of her hair up and leaving the bottom out. They each grabbed chunks of her hair and poured bleach Domestos over it using gloved fingers they rubbed it into the hair, wrapped that part in foil and moved on to the next sections.

"that shit stinks" I said opening a window ad sucking in fresh air. Repeating the process. When they had finished she had bits of foil sticking out all over the place

"how long do we leave it in for?" Willow asked

"I have no idea" Jacob said reading the label on the bottle. "It doesn't say nothing about hair" he said putting the bottle on the table.

"No shit Jacob, it's a cleaning product" I said shaking my head and shoving some chocolate in my mouth.

"how do you think it's going to look" Shell asked taking some chocolate as well.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now