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I forgot to mention in my last update that I have changed the spelling of Cindy to Cyndi.

Thanks for reading.


I was exhausted, absolutely exhausted. I was running on next to nothing. My eyes kept drifting shut but as I sat there holding my baby, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I had done it. I had given birth.

It was nothing like how I expected it to be. I was scared shitless from everyone's horror stories, but I didn't think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be.

My waters broke in my bed of all places they had to break it had to be in my bed.
We arrived at the hospital twenty minutes after my waters broke. We were shown to the delivery room, where the midwife connected to a machine that monitored my contractions, it had 2 belts with 2 round discs that were placed at different spots on my stomach. She also checked to see how far dilated, I was.

I was only eight centimetres when I arrived at the hospital, the midwife went to call the doctor and let her know that I was here. Half an hour later Tank was pressing the call button, as I had immense pressure and I wanted to push.

The doctor and midwife came running into the room. The doctor got everything ready as the midwife checked to see how far I had progressed. Twenty minutes later I was holding my beautiful bundle of joy. The baby was placed on my stomach as Tank cut the umbilical cord, as he looked on adoringly at us.

I breastfeed while I got stitches and the doctor cleaned up everything. After breastfeeding the midwife took the baby to be weighed, and Tank helped me to shower and get dressed in some clean clothes.

When we had walked around to my room and had got settled, Tank rang everybody to tell them that we had the baby and we were all doing well.


Mum, Mason, Willow, North and Jacob were the first to visit. Tank was sitting on the bed next to me as we looked down at our baby.

"Aww" Willow cooed as she took a photo.

Mason climbed up on the bed to get a better look.

"She's so cute," mum said

"Actually, she's a he," I said. It still shocked me that we had a boy. after being told by the ultrasound technician that it was a hundred per cent a girl, we had bought all girl stuff, I didn't have much in the way of unisex stuff.

"What?" They all said in unison, sounding shocked

"We had a boy" Tank explained

"When did she turn into a boy Mum?" Mason asked making us all laugh.

"He didn't turn into a boy, he was always a boy" mum tried to explain.

"Has he got a name?" Jacob asked

"No, not yet"

"I think Jacob would be a very good name," Jacob said bending over to say hello and kiss me on the cheek. "he's so gorgeous"

"Actually, I was thinking Phoenix and Cyndi likes Colt." Tank said looking at me.

"Phoenix Colt Stevens" I rolled it around my head for a bit before smiling back at Tank "I like it" Kissing my son on the head I said "We'd like you all to meet our son, Phoenix Colt Stevens"

Everybody agreed it was a good name and that it suited him. Mum picked him up whispering to him "Hello handsome, I'm your Nanna"

I laid there in Tanks arms watching my family and friends all wrapped up in my son. As Tank took my hand in his and I laid my head on his shoulder, I drifted off to sleep.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now