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Hey so I just wanted to say hi to all my readers. It means a lot that you are reading my stories so thankyou. Don't forget to hit the star and vote. Leave comments I love it.

Thanks again.

Anyway I'm dedicating this chapter to my BFF @megziB. You throw a kicker baby shower and you make a killer pin the sperm on the egg too.


We had spent the last two weeks planning Cindy's surprise baby shower. I had games planned out and prizes for every game and then some. We had told all the guest that we were doing a baby wipe challenge we had second prize and first prize bags filled with heaps of goodies. I had pink balloons tide around the pool fence. I had a huge banner hanging from the patio that said Baby Shower in pink with bottles and dummies and little feet. There was a table set up in the corner for everyone to put their presents on.

Cindy's family were here, a few of her cousins, her aunts. Molly and a couple of the ol' ladies from the club and a couple of the club girls and Jacobs mum were all here.

After the baby shower we were going to have ourselves a girl's night we all deserved a bit of pampering. I had everything set up stair in my room.

Jacob and I went halves and brought her a pram for the baby. Plus, we bought clothes and few other things.

I had set up the backyard set up, the guests were all out there waiting for the guest of honour to arrive her mum was bringing her over any minute now.

"SURPRISE" we all yelled as Cindy and her mum came through the back door.

She held her hand in front of her mouth, tears falling down her cheeks. I walked over to her

"you guys did all this for me" she said

"of course, you're our best friend" I said wrapping my arms around her in a big bare hug. Jacobs arms came around the both of us squeezing us tight.

"come on let's get this party started" Jacob said grabbing both our hands.

"Attention ladies and gent" I yelled "we are going to start Jacob is walking around with a bag of pegs please grab five each and attach them to your shirt" I demonstrated "if anyone says baby throughout the baby shower and someone hears you they get to take your peg. The one with the most pegs at the end of the party wins a prize" everyone grabbed pegs and placed them on the collars or the bottoms of their shirts. Poor Kathryn and Molly lost a peg in the first couple of seconds.

"alright it's game time." Jacob called out. "first up we are going to do a couple of guessing games. We have a baby bottle here" he said pulling it up showing everyone "we want you to guess how many smarties are in the bottle. Write your answer on the slip of paper when everyone has written their answer hold the paper above your head, so I can read it. Closest person to the right answer picks a prize out of the bucket."

Everyone was laughing as Jacob walked around checking everyone's bits of paper. "and the winner is Shell with the closest guess of 289" he said holding the bucket up. She reached in and pulled out a candle. "stick your hand in and grab a prize. The number of smarties in the bottle was 300"

The next game we played was pin the sperm on the egg it was a hoot. We blindfolded them and gave everyone a sticky sperm to write their name on. Everyone laugh and made jokes about where they were placing their sperm. Kathryn ended up winning the prize from that one.

Guess the size of mum's tummy with string had everyone laughing. Everyone was given a length of streamer to guess their measurements.

We had a race to see who could undress a baby, clean, powder and change and redress a baby blindfolded.

Everyone tasted baby food off paddle pop sticks and had to guess the correct baby food.

The day was spent playing heaps of games and everyone was laughing and having fun.

"Present time everybody" Jacob called out.

We had Cindy sit in a chair with everyone spread out in front of her. I handed her one present at a time. She was given clothes, bibs, bath stuff, blankets, bottles, gift vouchers, toys, dummies, nappies and wipes, a car seat and pram were the biggest gifts.

Cindy got very teary after that. Thanking everybody for all the gifts.

We made sure that everyone got a prize.

"ok so last but not least we did a wipe raffle for every pack of wipes you bought to the shower you received a raffle ticket. We are going to draw the lucky winner to that now" Jacob put his hand in the had and pulled out a raffle ticket handing it to me "and second prize goes to none other then Bianca" Jacob handed her the silver back for second prize.

"ok now the first-place winner" once again Jacob pulled a raffle ticket from the hat "and the lucky winner is" we clapped our hands "KATHRYN SOUTHWELL" I yelled. Jacob handed her gold first prize bag.

"congratulations to our winners"

Everyone started to gather their stuff to leave except me and Jacob and Cindy's cousins Shelly and Jess.

Cindy walked over and hugged us "thankyou guys this means so much to me. It's been one of the best days ever"

"it'snot over yet we still have a girl's night planned for you". 

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now