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I drove past Cindy's house after leaving the clubhouse. Her car wasn't in the drive way and all the lights were turned off.

After driving around town for hours looking for her car I finally gave up and went and parked across the road at Willow's house waiting for her to return home.

Cindy never came home. I got worried and drove to the hospital, after asking the nurses in Emergency if a Cynthia Southwell had been admitted during the night. The nurse checked her records but found none.

I drove past every motel in town, I checked the library, coffee shops, and the parks around town. I rang Willow and Jacob to see if they had heard from her, but they hadn't heard anything from since last night when she was at the clubhouse.

I was really starting to worry about her. It wasn't like her to just disappear and Willow and Jacob to not know where she was or what was going on. I was worried about her and the baby. What if she had got into an accident or she was hurt somewhere.

I didn't know what to do. I've rang her phone numerous times and she didn't answer now it had started going straight to message bank.

I rang the police station and asked if anyone had rung an accident in, giving over her details and car details. That was a dead-end call. No accidents had been called in overnight, no car matching the description of Cindy's had been reported.

I pulled up at Cindy's house. Her mum's car was in the drive way. I parked my bike behind her car and hopped off.

As I made my way to the front door, Mason came running out across the yard to me

"Tank" he screamed holding his fist up

"Mason. Dude" we fist bumped.

"come look at all my new cars, I got a cool bike too" he said excitedly.

"Not right now little man, I gotta talk to your mum about something" I said ruffling up his hair.

We walked inside and down to the kitchen where Kathryn was stacking the dishwasher. Mason grabbed some biscuits off the table and bolted back out of the room.

"Where my daughter Tank?" Kathryn asked without even turning around.

"That's what I came to ask you Mrs Southwell"

"Call me Kathryn Tank" she said setting a cup of coffee on the table in front of me. "what happened?"

How to explain that I had hurt her daughter and she'd taken off? Ah crap how was I gonna do this? Honesty I'll tell her how I feel.

"I love your daughter Kathryn. I want us to be a family, I want to raise our child together. I've liked her for a while and slowly she has become my world. Anyway, we had a moment and I bailed because I don't just want that from her. I have more respect for your daughter then to use her for a moment. I went back to the clubhouse"

"did you have a moment with somebody else?" she asked cutting me off.

"No, I had a couple drinks with North, talked. Then went upstairs to shower. When I got out of the shower, I walked into my room in a towel, a club girl was in my room practically naked. I was telling her to get out when Cindy walked in, and then ran out. I chased her down the stair and out the door, but she jumped in her car and drove off. I spent all night looking for her."

"so, nothing happened with that other girl" she asked.

"No, I kicked her out of the room and then spent all night driving around town looking for Cindy. I've checked the hospitals, everywhere in town that she could possibly be. I can't find her anywhere. I don't know where else to look"

Kathryn was quiet for a while, sipping on her coffee.

"I think she loves you too. It's not easy for her though, she's pregnant her hormones are going to be going crazy. You need to sit down and get everything out I the open and then take it from there. I'd advise you to be upfront and honest about everything"

"Ok" I said nodding my head

"She needs to know where she stands Tank. You have your club, and your brothers but where does she stand in all of that. As far as I can see Tank you only do stuff together here and doctors' appointment. Does she go to the clubhouse to spend time with you? Do you go out together and do stuff that isn't a doctor's appointment? Have you gone baby shopping together like a real couple? Figure out where she stands and then make sure she knows it"

"I got to find her first"

"I can't help you with that, if she's not over the road with Willow and Jacob or out with them, then she is usually here or with you."

"Then how do I find her?" I ask

"you don't, you give her some space and time and she will come back she isn't stupid."

"and what if..."

"Don't Tank trust her, trust that she will come back and that she will be fine. I have too every time she walks out the door" she said getting up and putting the cups in the dishwasher.

"so, I just wait?" I ask


I didn't want to wait I want to know where Cindy was, so I could keep her safe. I wanted her home. I wanted to know where she was at all times. But Kathryn was her mother and knew her better then anybody else so, I take her advice this time, besides I'd looked everywhere and didn't know where else to look.

"all right let me know if she comes home please" I said getting up and making my way down the hall "cya" I called out

"Cya Tank" she said.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now