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Hey guys, 

sorry it's taken me so long to get this next chapter you, but I've been editing and re-writing Then Came North (book 1). I'm hoping to get it published with-in the near future.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I will be updating a lot quicker from now on.

As always don't forget to vote and comment.



It was ten past ten and I was finally climbing into bed next to Cyndi. I had come straight from church. I was utterly exhausted.

Pulling the covers up, Cyndi rolled over throwing her arm over me she mumbled something moving around to get comfortable. These days she only slept when her leg was thrown over the top of mine and her baby belly was laying against my stomach and side. I loved when I could lay here and feel my baby kicking me in the side.

"How was Church?" She asked sleepily

"Fine, babe, how's my baby cooking?"

"Mmm great, I'd like her to come out now"

"She'll come when she's ready, babe," I said laughing

"It better be soon" she mumbled, pulling me closer.

After grumbling and shuffling she drifted back to sleep. I watched her sleeping for a while, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have her cuddled up with me. To be having a baby with this beautiful woman. I was going to make her my everything, I already had Hacker ordering her a leather jacket with 'Property of Tank' on it. I planned to give it to her as soon as it arrived.

As I laid there listening to Cyndi breathing, the baby started to kick. It was a surreal feeling to feel your unborn child from inside their mother.

Any day now Cyndi was due to have the baby. She had cleaned the baby's room a million times already, moving things, dusting, moving the furniture, washing and re-folding things. She had started on the whole house, as well as my room at the clubhouse.

She had everything packed and ready to go.

I was freaking out about her having the baby. Every time the phone rang, I jumped thinking she had gone into labour. I was in a constant state of panic, which the club thought was hilarious. Ice had taken to ringing me just to get me to jump for the phone, even Cyndi was laughing about it and egging them on.


I woke with a start to Cyndi screaming, scrambling from the bed.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"Oh My God, Oh my god, Oh my god" she kept chanting.


"Fix it, it hurts so bad, Oh my god" tears were streaming down her face as she stood next to the bed, clutching her stomach.

"Fix what?"

"The bed. It's all wet, it's ruined, I ruined it. Oh my god, I think I pissed myself!" She screamed.

Trying not to laugh, I threw the covers back to reveal a huge wet spot on the bed. Smiling she threw the pillow at my head.

"Don't you dare laugh at me"

"I'm not babe, your waters broke. Go hop in the shower. I'll strip the bed and ring the hospital, let them know what's happening and tell them we'll be arriving soon." I told her leading her out of the room just as Kathryn was walking in.

"Her water broke" I explained.

"Oh," she looked at Cyndi before backing out of the room "you get her in the shower and I'll deal with the bedding." She said

Nodding my head I took Cyndi into the bathroom, turning the shower on and making sure the temp was right, while Cyndi undressed.

After she got into the shower, I went back to grab my phone and see if Kathryn needed a hand.

"Need a hand, Kathryn?"

"No, no I'm good" she waved me off.

Grabbing my phone, I walked out into the hall, dialling the hospital. After getting a hold of them and letting them know what was happening, they said to come up when we were ready, and they'd have the room ready for us.

Hanging up, I went back into the bathroom to check on Cyndi. She was sitting on the floor, with her head against the tiled wall, the hot water hitting her stomach.

"You ok, Babe?"

"It hurts" she mumbled

Grabbing her a towel I pulled her up from the floor and wrapped her in the towel. Grabbing another towel, I started to dry her hair off.

Grabbing her some new clothes I handed them to her,

"Pyjama's really?"

"Babe, you're going to the hospital you need to be comfy"

Pulling on her underwear, single and pyjama pants. After she was dressed, and she had finger combed her hair up. She grabbed my black Everlast jumper and pulled it on.

I grabbed her phone, and handbag, as we walked out the door and into the lounge room where Kathryn was sitting. She got up and walked over to us wrapping her arms around Cyndi.

"I'll meet you at the hospital," she said kissing Cyndi's cheek.


Walking out the door, I helped Cyndi into the car. Jumping in on the other side. I reversed out of the driveway and headed to the hospital.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now