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I'm not 100% sure I like this chapter. I do however think it fits in.

Let me know what you think.



I woke up to my phone blaring and Cindy's body snuggled up close her baby bump rest against my side, I could feel the baby kicking. Her arm was wrapped around me, hand placed over my heart.

"What" I barked into the phone.

"The clubhouse is being hit" came Pyro's voice over the phone. Gun shots and screaming could be heard.

"Be there soon" I said before hanging up the phone.

I gently woke Cindy. "Babe I gotta go" I said kissing her. She mumbled half asleep "I'll call you later" I lifted her arm off me and she rolled to her other side, pulling the blankets up and snuggling into them going back to sleep.

I pulled my pants on and shoved my arms through the sleeves of my shirt. I shoved my phone in my pocket and picked up the keys.

Running out the door I locked it behind me before running across the road. I unlocked the door and ran into the house. North was running down the stairs shoving his arms into his cut.

We walked into the back office and opened the hidden door, using a code. Entering the room, we grabbed a couple of hand guns each and filled a bag with ammo and guns. Running back out we left the bikes and jumped in the ute. We hauled ass to the club. It was still dark, North shut the head lights off, as we approached the clubhouse we could see the fire.

A couple of bikes and a car came barrelling down the road. North hit the lights. One bike crashed into the front of our vehicle while gun shots smashed the back window making us duck down as to not get shot in the back of the head.

We got a couple shots off into the car and a guy on a bike fell.

We picked up the two guys and shoved them in the back before driving through the main gates we parked in the middle of the yard and got out. Opening the back door, we pulled a guy out each and marched them up to Slammer, Ice and Pyro.

"they didn't even stop for their own just kept going" North said throwing his guy down.

"how much damage?" I asked looking around.

"Not much in all honesty. We were lucky" Slammer said. "car on fire is about the worst of it."

"Savage caught a bullet in the shoulder. Doc's in there with him now." Ice said

"is he ok" I asked

"He will be" Slammer answered

"Do we know who they are?" North asked

"No." Pyro growled kicking the guy in front of him. He bent down and hauled him to his feet "but these pricks are going to give us some answers"

Ice followed suit hauling the other guy to his feet, he followed Pyro across the yard and into the main shed.

We had a sound proof room at the back of shed. It was a large room, it was really just a box. There were no windows, no carpet, no furniture. Just an empty room with chains hanging down from the bars that ran along the ceiling.


We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the destruction in the yard. We hauled the burnt-out car onto the back of the tow truck and had it taken to the scrap yard. A couple of the prospect Pup and Brick walked the yard picking up bullet shells and glass. Wolf and Shadow pulled down the burnt part of the fence and put up the new panelling.

Doc came back out after he stitched up Savages shoulder no major damage had been done. Savage was lucky the bullet just passed through his shoulder leaving a massive gash that would need cleaning and stitches.

Pyro and Ice had secured the prisoners in the room and had left them there.

Slammer had called for church to be this afternoon at four. Giving everyone time to clean the yard and Hacker time to check over all the cameras for anything we could use.

I pulled my ringing phone from my pocket checking the caller. Unknow number I didn't recognise the number.

"Hello" I answered

"Tank" Kathryn's frantic voice came through the line "It's Cindy we're at the hospital, I think she's in labour"

"I'll be there soon" I hung up the phone.

I bolted across the yard yelling at North as I ran who was standing near the closed gate

"open it I gotta go to the hospital". I jumped into the ute spinning the tyres as I left the yard.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now