[5.1] House of Revelations - pt 1

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KT went straight to her chair in Miss Denby's classroom, on the hunt for Joy's family tree, whilst Camilla turned to the whiteboard to draw rude pictures. "it's not here." KT groaned, turning around just as Eddie wandered into the room and Camilla stepped back from her handy work.

"It has to be here," Camilla turned to look confused.

"why would my dad hate family trees?" Eddie asked the two girls in the room, "that doesn't make sense."

KT's eyes landed on Miss Denby's bag as Camilla shrugged at Eddie's question. "what do you when things get confiscated here?" KT asked the pair as she wandered over to the bag. "Just steal it back... right?"

The two looked at her understanding what she was hinting at, but did she really want them to go hunting through a teacher's bag just for some stupid family tree project?

"Denby's bag?" Eddie questioned clearly thinking the same as Camilla.

KT nodded her head at them.

Eddie sighed and walked into the room hunting through it half-heartedly not expecting to find anything until he felt something cool and metallic that defiantly wasn't a set of car keys.

"Guys... What's this?"

Pulling his hand out, he let out a gasp, followed by KT and Camilla as they set their eyes on what he had found in the bag. A long slim key. At first glance, Camilla thought it was KT's, but as she looked at it more, she realised it wasn't. This one was darker, more silver, whereas KT's was more of a golden bronze, and the key Eddie had in his hand had a full moon on it apposed to KT's crescent moon.

"What do you think you're doing?" the sharp tone of Miss Denby's accusing voice caused the three students to turn around in hast to see the woman stood at the door to her classroom eyeing them up suspiciously. "I said, what do you think you are doing?"

Eddie was quicker than the girls, though he saw Camilla take a small step in front of KT as she eyed the teacher suspiciously. "you know what," the boy told the teacher in an upbeat tone, as he pulled a bunch of papers off the desk and showed them to the teacher, "I forgot to hand in my assignment, I was just trying to slip it into your bag."

"Hmm..." Miss Denby frowned as she took the papers off Eddie glancing from him to the girls next to him, before glancing over the essay she had just taken off him. "Well, if you forget again, just tell me," she told them, pushing past the three to grab her open bag missing the small smiles the teenagers shared to one another. Camilla not missing the woman as she pulled out the key from the bag as if to make sure it was still there. The teacher turned to face them all with a friendly smile on her face, "I'm not a monster."

"sure..." Eddie nodded as she then walked out.

The moment the cost was clear KT rounded on the magical pair, "the key, you guys saw the key right?"

"yeah..." Eddie nodded his head as he let out a sigh.

"It was like your one but not." Camilla frowned glancing to the door.

"How is that even possible?" KT asked the pair, causing Eddie to glance to Camilla with a sigh. She was the more cluey of the pair having done these kinds of adventures far more than him; he was going to take her lead on this one.

"We need to find out more about Denby," the Protector told the pair simply her eyes not moving from the doorway the woman had left from. Something was missing from the picture the teacher was trying to present.

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