[9.2] House of Trickery ~ Pt 2

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Camilla could feel her blood boiling – not literally, though she was sure it would be as painful as the heartbreak she was dealing with in that moment. Victor was both breaking her heart and fanning the flames of her anger as he paced back and forth in front of the two girls who were sat on Miss Denby's overly large red velvet couch. The only acknowledgement he made towards the girls' ever-growing rage was the jump his eyes made to the lamps in the room. Amber had grabbed Camilla's balled-up fist with her hand at some point during his pacing. Every time a tear of the blonde girls fell from her face and onto their hands, the lights would flicker as if in warning – Victor was unsure if the tears were because of her recent run-in with her father, who clearly didn't see the depths of his daughter, or the sudden realisation of what was to come now she had decided to protect her best friend.

It was too late for the duo to backtrack now; they had roles to play in order to protect the small twin and roles expected of them by Miss Denby and Mr Sweet. Victor clearly knew more than Amber as his eyes flickered to the ceiling where the man in the tank was asleep above them. He knew the girls fated future, and the man in the tank could provide her more help than Victor could, but that didn't mean he was going to throw his daughter in harm's way for that slim chance of knowledge. He would not let Denby use her for what was needed, and as much as it pained him to see the look in the girl's eye as he turned on Amber, he knew one day she would understand.

One day Amber would help him prove to her it was a mutual choice of them both.

One day she would go back to seeing the good that only she seemed to have seen in him after too many years of walking this plain thinking he was nothing but a bad guy in the fated tale of the Great Pharoah to come.

One day... he hoped.

"Mr Sweet and Miss Denby..." he spoke up quietly, knowing the two girls could hear everything he was saying. He wandered over to the desk, moving books to the side as if checking for listening devices or camera's, knowing Miss Denby was paranoid enough she might have camera's and knowing just in case, he needed to continue the act. "suggested that we wait for your memory to return, Miss Millington."

Amber felt Camilla stiffen next to her on the couch, and despite her quivering lip as she unsuccessfully fought the tears rolling down her cheeks, she tightened her grip on Camilla's hand. Trying to stop her friend from doing something she'd one day regret doing to her surrogate father.

"I, however," Victor sighed slightly, turning to look at the two girls in question with a knowing look in Amber's direction, "think that returning to Anubis House might trigger it. And if it does not," Victor sat on the other side of Amber as he spoke, "it will be a sad day for your fellow Anubis residents indeed."

The threat hung in the air.

It was clear for everyone in the room the damage Victor could do, but neither girl was 100% sure he would go through with it. The question was, would they dare to call his bluff. Camilla was ready to, but Amber, she knew in her heart her friends, the Sibuna's were her weakness; she wouldn't do anything that meant putting them in harm's way.

Victor leaned down and directed his threat to Amber, ignoring the streams of hot tears running down her cheeks and the iron-like grip she had on Camilla's hands to the point her knuckles were a blinding white. "not only will they disappear from Anubis house, but they will also be expelled from the school, and you will never see them again..."

That threat was what caused Camilla to snap.

The girl was on her feet in an instant, Amber's grip loosening as Victor's threat sunk in. Victor also got to his feet as Camilla turn on him, a white poker hot rage burning within her soul, which caused the man to take a few steps back in shock.

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