[16.2] House of Close Calls ~ Pt 2

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The new Willow/Mara/Camilla room situation was tense enough – and Camilla wasn't even in the room to add to the tension. Willow smiled as she placed the last of her crystals around her new desk before sitting down and opening her laptop, humming away to herself as she did. Time to change her school profile, so everyone knew she had been accepted into Anubis house. She checked her page and let out a small panicked whimper.

"Oh, this is terrible," She whimpered to herself until she looked up and saw Mara had walked into their room from her mirror and was glancing at her, confused. "I must have got a virus."

Mara crossed the room from her side to Willows, a very colourful side, and glanced at the laptop over her shoulder – noting that Camilla's third was darker than ever with both rooms dividers pulled across and the girl's navy bedding on her untouched bed, for a second Mara wondered where Camilla could be. Since she moved in, she had noticed that the girl spent minimal time in the room, mainly to sleep, get dressed and store any school stuff, and that was it.

"Oh, no." Mara turned her sympathy to her new roommate. "Sending out spam? Screen all frozen?"

"No," Willow shook her head. "I sent Amber a friend request, and I haven't gotten a reply. So what other possible explanation could there be?!"

Willow didn't notice the long 'calming' breath Mara took as she readied herself to deal with Willow's... Willow-ness.

"I could think of one, maybe."

"Maybe it was when I clicked on the link to win a unicorn," Willow suggested sincerely.

Mara looked around the room and pointed to her desk, "well, I've got studying to do, soo..." with that, she scarpered to her desk and settled down. This was going to be a long, long year.

Just as the girl got into her Math homework, Willow started to hummm, loudly causing Mara to turn around and look at her in shock.

"Willow?! Do you mind?" the girl asked desperately. Camilla was tolerable to live with, mainly because the girl was never bloody here, but Willow was on a whole new level, and she couldn't help but think about what she had done to Joy to deserve this treatment.

"I'm trying to get into the zone here." Willow didn't look at Mara as she kept her eyes shut during the evening meditation. The humming started, once again, to the frustration of Mara.

The girl, however, was prepared and pulled out her headphones from her desk and plugged them into her own laptop before pressing Play on her studying playlist and putting the volume to max.

Willow opened one eye as a thought popped into her head, "Hey, Jerome hasn't confirmed if we are dating or not. Not that I asked him, you know, just put it on the profile. I should check."

As the girl spoke this out loud, Jerome appeared in the doorway. He had come up to check to see if Camilla was back – with Eddie and Fabian still gone, he knew better than to hope, but he needed to see with his own eyes. Willow's declaration caused the boy to frown at the girl. But, of course, he didn't need to confirm anything because they weren't dating. Simple as. She had taken something he had said in the moment of detention about Camilla and made it about her, and he didn't want to hurt her but had no clue how to let her down gently.

His eyes flickered to Mara, and a small relieved sigh left his lips. He was already in over his head when it came to the nerdy girl and their apparent love life together – he didn't need her to think he was cheating on her with Willow or something when he was honestly trying to drop both girls without causing backlash or without getting people he loved in trouble.

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