[12.2] House of Sisters ~ pt 2

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The cleanup detention was taking far longer than Jerome had thought it would. He was sure they wouldn't be leaving the school building until it was dark out at the rate he and Willow were going.

"Jerome, I must-ache you a question!"

Jerome turned around to see Willow holding a fake curly moustache to her face with a smile on her face. At least one of them was enjoying the time in detention at least. He couldn't help the small laugh that left his mouth as she wiggled her eyebrows at him. he knew he was being a grump, but his Camilla win over plan had backfired with no end goal in sight – thanks to the blackmail he had been reminded was currently hanging over him.

The small laugh caused a bright smile to flit onto Willow's face. Putting the moustache back in a cardboard box and glanced around, "or...." for the last hour, she had watched the boy slump around the room in a melancholy way, and she just knew she had to do something to make him smile. She picked up a sparkling material – one Jerome was sure he had talked Alfie into wearing like a dress once – "we can pretend we are spies. Quick, we must find the secret formula." She added in a bad French accent dramatically.

Jerome froze for a small second at the mention of a secret formula, his mind going back to the prom night with the Cup of Ankh and everything he learned about Sibuna that year. It was around then when he realised how strong Camilla was and how beautiful she was. He was lucky to have taken her to the prom, and looking back now. He had let her slip through his fingers. He could now see that so clearly.

The small laugh from Willow brought the boy back to the situation he currently was in. trying to organise the costumes cupboard for the drama classes – an almost impossible task. 

"I might become a spy," Willow informed the boy conversationally as she unwrapped herself from the cloth. "Though I'd also like to be a vet or a supermodel."

"Always good to keep your options open," Jerome couldn't help but say, slightly bemused at the girls very diverse list of careers.

Willow looked at the boy curiously, "What do you want to be?"

"Umm..." Jerome paused; it wasn't that the question wasn't something he hadn't been thinking about. Their year group had been getting pushed to start thinking of their futures in all fairness, so they knew what they should apply for at university. Jerome turned away from the girl looking at the box in his hands, the topic of the future was something he wasn't quite sure he wanted to discuss because the current protection of his future was one he didn't like the look of. Instead, he placed a police helmet on his head and turned to look at Willow with a wide grin causing the girl to squeal with laughter.

"Yay, I told you this could be fun!" Willow laughed at the boy, who couldn't help but silently agree on a little. The detention was a nice distraction from the drama of everything at Anubis house.


The rumble of the Light Blue 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible Camilla was currently behind the wheels off smoothly drove through the archway that was the entrance to the school. Fabian waving the twins village pass lazily up, so if Denby came out, they had a reason to be leaving the grounds. Once past the dip in the road, Camilla parked up waiting for Eddie, KT and Patricia – it was gonna be a tight squeeze, but they would get to the Clinic and back faster in the car. They all knew it.

Just as the blue car was out of sight, Patricia's phone started ringing, causing KT and Eddie (who the girl was hiding with by the wall outside the house) to glance around at her in panic.

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