[10.2] House of Unity ~ pt 2

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Amber's face faltered slightly, breaking the celebration with a warning, "but listen. It's Victor. He'll figure out the truth eventually. I've done all I can to protect Camilla and to protect you guys. But once they figure out the truth, that's when the real fight is going to happen, and clearly... the world is in the balance this time."

Fabian looked to Amber in shock the second she mentioned protecting Camilla, whereas the rest of them looked shocked at the world being in balance part of her statement.

"It's time we started to work together," Camilla bluntly told them all looking from the three Original Sibuna's on one side of the room to the duo of Eddie and KT on the other side. She had had enough of having to rush between the two groups when clearly whatever was going on was linked.

The tone of Camilla's voice was clear. This was an order from the girl and something that if they didn't agree to right then and there, she would force upon them no matter who was kicking and screaming.

Eddie turned his head to meet Fabian's eye, the two boys nodding slightly before looking down at the girls to their left. KT and Patricia both standing with arms crossed and jaws clenched. Neither girl liking the idea of being told what to do or to work on something so important and apparently world-saving as the other.

The girls in question both looked at Camilla, who just raised an eyebrow at them challengingly. She knew they had started off on the wrong foot, but she refused to let their petty bullshit be the reason they didn't win this fight. This caused both girls to look away from the protector to one another. In that moment, a silent truce being formed. They might not ever become the best of friends. Still, they both could agree their annoyance of one another was not worth Camilla's wrath, especially when it came to something as important as a quest from the gods – no matter how exasperated the girl got with them.

"It's time to reform Sibuna," Amber spoke up the second she saw the unsaid agreement form between KT and Patricia. Looking around at the two groups with a sad, knowing smile.

KT glanced at Eddie and mouthed, "Sibuna?"

"I'll tell you later," Eddie muttered to the girl, reading the moment correctly and knowing right now wasn't the time to go into the past adventures the others had been thrown into thanks to the gods meddling.

The others, however, couldn't help but smile at KT's question. It had been a while since they had had new blood in Sibuna, with Jerome and Joy technically only being Temporary members.

"It's a good thing, KT," Fabian reassured the girl giving her a warm smile. KT looked back at the boy and couldn't help but return his smile. "Only if you are up for it?"

KT looked to Camilla, "the Egyptian gods are real. Magic is real." She stated softly, getting an amused nod from everyone in the room, "Yeah... I think I'm up for it." She told Fabian with a bright smile.

"And you will need a new leader." Amber pointed out her smile not dropping, "least for now whilst Nina is in America." She took a deep breath before glancing at Camilla, who nodded her head slightly to urge her to continue. The pair had discussed this in length. Something about Fabian leading just felt right – almost like it was fated to happen. "As the longest-standing member, I vote Fabian."

Fabian gave Amber a grateful smile but shook his head as he looked between his sister and Eddie, "No... no, no." he shook his head slightly. Something in his gut was telling him that it wasn't his time to lead Sibuna just yet. He wasn't the one who needed to take the reins for whatever mission they were on currently. "I can't be the leader. I don't have a role yet - I'm not The Protector or The Osirian," He informed them all truthfully, going with the gut instinct.

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