[19.1] House of History ~ pt1

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Camilla was against stealing files, and she knew Fabian would lose a lot of sleep over the fact, but honestly, they needed to tell their friends what was going on. When they called a Sibuna meeting, they didn't expect to just have Fabian and KT in attendance in KT's room.

"You guys have to check this out," Eddie told them as Camilla handed the files for Patricia, Joy, Alfie and Jerome over to the pair.

"You guys stole Patricia's file, Alfie's, Jerome's, Joys'..." KT asked.

"I've already promised Cam I will return them, okay," Eddie rolled his eyes at his friend before turning back to the pair on the bed, trying to get to his point. "but as I told her, you wouldn't have believed us otherwise."

"And taking photos on our phone wouldn't be enough either," Camilla grumbled as she settled on Joy's bed next to Fabian.

Fabian glanced from his sister to Eddie, "Believed what?"

"Did you know that Alfie, Patricia, Jerome and Joy are all here on the same scholarship?" Eddie told the pair.

KT frowned, "No, but why would we?" before she glanced at the twins; she had been told about Eddie's scholarship, so perhaps they would. "unless you two..."

"Nothing from us," Fabian told her with a shrug.

"It's called The Candy Foundation Fund," Eddie muttered as if the words were irritating enough for him to say.

"So what?" KT asked, not making the jump Camilla, and clearly now Fabian did.

"What do we call candy..." Fabian mumbles, looking to his sister for confirmation.


KT gasped as the word softly passed from Camilla's lips.

"As in Mr Sweet. The Seeker." Eddie bitterly told them all.

Fabian grabbed and flicked through the files, "are you saying he brought them all here to this school deliberately? Why?"

Camilla plucked the photo from Patricia's file and lifted it for KT and her brother to see.

"Hey, is that not Frobisher?" KT asked, pointing at the man in the middle.

Eddie leaned in and pointed to the rest of the people, "And see, this is Patricia's great-grandma – I've seen the family photos."

"And the man beside her is Alfie's great-grandpa," Camilla added.

"So we are guessing the other two are related to Jerome and Joy," Eddie concluded.

Fabian grabbed the photo off his sister and looked a it closely. "Wait, I don't believe it."

KT seemed confused that other people were involved, other grandparents. "My great-grandfather expedition party, they've all got descendants at the school?"

Camilla nodded sadly at KT, "Our friends are the descendants, not you, KT."

"They're the ones they need for the ceremony."

"We have to warn them," Eddie concluded, looking between his friends.

KT shook her head, "it's too late, guys; they've all gone to the gatehouse."


On every Sibuna mission, there was always some spooky place they had to go. The Gatehouse was one Alfie was slowly learning to find slightly better than the other places—but that's mainly because the trauma of being locked in the cellar still haunted him now and again.

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