[9.1] House of Trickery ~pt 1

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"How about I join you for lunch, my darling?"

Miss Denby's voice caused Amber and Camilla to look at one another in fear. Before either of them could react, the door was flung open, causing the golden sarcophagus leaning against the door to tumble to the ground with a loud thud. Camilla flinching slightly at the noise the priceless artefact made – a subconscious move that couldn't be helped as she was a Rutter.

Miss Denby's eye's widened as she jumped back away from the heavy sarcophagus before looking up at the two girls in the doorway. The two girls who had been missing all day.  A shaking Amber behind Camilla clutched her hand, and Camilla stood with a hand out as if protecting the blonde girl. What knocked the breath from Miss Denby was the hard look in the small Rutter's eyes – there was more to the girl that she showed. Something the older woman made a mental note to ask Victor or Eric about later, for now, she had to simply act like the shocked teacher she was.

"Camilla... Amber..." she breathed in surprise to see the pair trapped in her secret room.

Amber took one look at the teacher and let out a sigh as her eyes rolled back into her head, falling into Camilla's arms.

"AMBER!" Miss Denby screamed in worry as she rushed over to where Camilla had gently lowered her friend to the ground. "Say something, you stupid, stupid girl!"

"She's fainted, Miss!" Camilla shouted, looking at her teacher with a glare.

The woman looked around, ignoring the student, "this is all we need," she mumbled to herself, ignoring the pair on the ground, missing Amber opening an eye and sharing a secret smile with Camilla before going back to her 'fainted' self.


Eddie and KT rushed into Miss Denby's empty classroom, they knew they needed to find proof of the teacher's evil ways somehow and her classroom felt like a somewhat logical place to look. Neither of them stopping to address the small voice of reason, telling them it was probably also a stupid place to look because they both wanted answers and were willing to find them wherever they could get them.

"How many times do you want to get caught today?!" KT hissed as she watched Eddie run straight to the teacher's desk, the boy opening drawers and rummaging through them in such a rush, not even bothering to try to cover the clear indication someone was snooping. Eddie was acting recklessly, and KT had no clue how to calm him down; honestly, she didn't think there was a way to calm him down until they found proof, hard black and white proof, that Mr Sweet was not team bad guy. Something she was doubting they were going to find if Fabian's comment about him being in a secret society was to be believed. Where was Cammy when she needed her? KT knew the girl would have some sort of way to control the chaos of the Osirian.

Eddie looked at the girl who was still at the door, stopping himself from rolling his eyes at the worry in her tone and forcing himself to slow down in his manic search. He knew he was being obvious, but he needed to prove Denby wasn't who she said she was, that she was forcing his dad to be a part of all this. His dad wasn't a bad guy. He couldn't be.

"Look, Denby's got to have some ID somewhere."

KT tilted her head, noting the restraint from him to say something sassy at her worry. She pushed off the door and made her way over to the boy at the desk.

Eddie gave her a small apologetic smile before looking back to the desk, missing KT's worried glance back to the door.

"Maybe over here." He smirked as he reached under the desk, knowing the small secret compartment that was on his dads and hoping this desk had one too. His fingers felt the small grooves under the rim that acted like a handle, and he pulled the small drawer out with ease. The teacher's laptop was sat snuggly in the pocket.

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