[6.1] House of Questions - Pt 1

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At the gatehouse, Eddie glanced at the two girls who were going through the books on Denby's desk before turning to the organ. Pressing down two keys causing the notes to be played loudly in the air around them causing KT and Camilla to jump before glaring at Eddie who bit his lip to stop himself from laughing at the pair.

"Asshole!" Camilla picked up a book and threw it at the boy who easily caught it.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry!" Eddie laughed loudly before leaning against the wall next to the organ, causing the wall to open behind him and Eddie to topple into a secret room.

"Eddie!" the two girls shouted racing over to where he had disappeared into.

Eddie was sprawled on the ground and glanced up at the pair, "I think I found something..." he said weakly groaning as he got to his feet.

"it's a cupboard, behind an organ, with a door inside it?" KT started looking at what they found.

"yeah you get used to that kinda thing around here," Eddie shrugged Camilla humming in agreement to the boy's statement. Weird tunnels, secret doors, nothing surprised her much at Amun Academy anymore.

Eddie moved into the room and examine the door, pausing by the lock to see it had a symbol engraved into it. "That symbol..." he stood back to let the girls see.

Behind them, a door was heard slamming shut, causing them all to look around in fear. "Denby is back!" Camilla hissed, grabbing KT's hand and pulling her into the secret room behind the organ, before shutting the door with a soft thump.

"Hello?!" they heard the woman calling, causing Camilla to look at the other two apologetically. She probably didn't close the door as softly as she could have in her rush.

KT focused on the symbol, pushing open the lock cover and putting her key into it. Holding her breath as she turned the key and finally heard the soft click, she had been searching for. She'd finally found the door the key fit into. The girl pushed open the door, and she and Eddie rushed in. Camilla glancing at the door behind the organ once more before following behind them. Perhaps the secret room had somewhere they could hide, at least until they could sneak out of the gatehouse.

"Is somebody there?" they heard Miss Denby shout.

The stairs spiralled until they reached the top where they reached a small hallway with nothing but a door, KT and Eddie diving for the door, Camilla on their heels.

The room on the other side was dark, so dark they couldn't see anything, but there was a weird sound. It reminded Camilla of someone using Scooba gear.

"What is that?" KT nervously said as she hid behind a wall.

"it must be pipes..." Eddie murmured.

Camilla stepped into the room, and her eyes widened as she finally took in what was making the noise. Behind her KT and Eddie nervously followed her footsteps. Unlike the girl, they couldn't help the screams that left their mouths at the horrific sight they saw.

Camilla turned on her heel instantly and covered the mouths of her friends with her hands stopping their screams, though she knew it was too late. Denby probably heard them.

"You know, this is the part where I am meant to let out a scream in fright, but honestly, I'm pretty used to this shit by now," Camilla looked at the pair rather grossed out but not as freaked out as they were. "now if I let go of your mouths will you both stop screaming?" she looked between them, her question more of a threat than a question causing the pair to nod their heads instantly. Camilla letting go of their faces, Eddie rubbing at his jaw slightly as it hurt under Camilla's grip.

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