[21.1] House of Awakening ~ pt 1

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The house was quiet, and Eddie felt himself tossing and turning all night. He yawned as he sat up and looked over at the glass of water he kept by his bed to find it empty. With a groan, he pushed off his duvet and grabbed the glass before sleepily going to shuffle out of the room. However, the second his hand touched the door handle, a blinding white light flooded his mind as Anubis house decided 3 a.m. was the correct time to warn him about something.

The flashback was unclear; a man was creeping into a bedroom. He thought it might be Jerome and Alfies, but Eddie was frozen and scared under a bed. He could see the man's shoes; they were oxfords. The man turned around in the centre of the room before his feed slowly crept towards the bed Eddie was hiding under.

Eddie tried to back up as far as he could but the wall was stopping him from going any further.

All he could do was watch as the man started to slowly crouch, Frobisher-Smythe's face ducking under the bed with an evil gleam in his eye before reaching out to grab Eddie.

With that, the boy 'woke' from the vision with the sound of his empty glass shattering on the floor. The sound also woke up Fabian, who started to see his roommate leaning against the wall, looking as if he was having a panic attack.

Fabian switched on the light and looked over in concern, "Eddie? What's going on?"

Eddie glanced at Fabian, "he's alive." He mumbled as he finally understood his dream and what Anubis House was warning him. "Robert Frobisher-Smythe is alive."


There was a certain air of tension within Anubis House, that even Alfie couldn't help but notice as he sleepily wandered out of his room in time to see Camilla slip the front door shut and expertly dart up the stairs. The boy shook his head, knowing sometimes, with his best friend, it was best to ask questions only when you knew she would answer them and leave her be until she was ready to talk – plus, he had more important things to worry about. Like his breakfast and the time he lost last night at the weird, creepy extra class night where he could have been snacking or gaming.

The dining area was empty except for Jerome, who was already dressed and had a laptop open in front of him and a large mug of coffee next to him.

The laptop's noticeable ping sound stopped Alfie from walking into the kitchen but caused him to detour around to see what Jerome was up to. "You can't be still working on that spreadsheet, can you?"

On the screen was the very hard work Jerome had come up with the day before: his Girlfriend Comparison Chart. With collums such as 'how much they laugh at my jokes' and 'snack-making ability', so far, the only one with full marks was Camilla. However, she was greyed out because of reasons Jerome refused to tell Alfie, so currently, he was comparing Mara to Willow, much to the boy's confusion.

"Yes, I am, and no, I won't simply dump Mara and get with Milly, like you kept telling me last night." Jerome sighed as his eyes flitted to the greyed-out Camilla section. "I wish I could, but it affects more than me. This whole thing is impossible."

Patricia came running into the dining room, and Alfie scoffed at his friend before turning to the kitchen hatch to grab food. "Can you believe it? We saved the world again," Patricia told Alfie. Jerome closed the laptop and moved off into the living room, and KT wandered into the dining room. He didn't need anyone else looking over his shoulder.

"Sibuna shoots, Sibuna scores!" Alfie laughed at his friend before offering her a muffin. "Tank guy sleeps for another 100 years; we win!"

KT glanced between them with confusion, "Except we didn't win, did we?" Patricia and Alfie looked at one another before sitting down to let their new friend explain. We may have stopped the ritual, but we haven't broken Anubis's curse. Nothing's changed. My great-grandfather is still stuck in limbo... or the Dootat or whatever it is you and Cam call it," KT glanced at Fabian as he and Eddie walked in. "Right?"

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