9 | birthday

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                October Seventeenth. I'd made it a whole eighteen years, survived thus far without any major incidents resulting in my imminent death. Quite an achievement, I thought.

My eyes opened groggily, stretching my arms out under my duvet. As I sat up, I noticed Megan was gone from her bed. Pressing my face into my palms, I groaned. "What an exciting way to spend your eighteenth year on earth, Evie," I muttered, running a hand through my hair.

Moments later, my door clicked open, and there stood Megan and Clarice, just slightly behind Miss Bowen who held a small white plate. On top of it was a pink and white iced cupcake with a singular grey candle sticking out the top, the flame flickering as they walked slowly towards me.

I laughed, rubbing my eyes sleepily as they gathered around the side of my bed. Miss Bowen placed the candle-lit cupcake in front of my face, and I glanced at her with an arched brow. "I'm disappointed that you didn't manage to fit eighteen candles on top of that."

She grinned. "Be grateful. And remember to make a wish."

I eyed her coyly. "I'll make it good." Closing my eyes, I blew out the candle, and made a wish for the thing I wanted most in the world, but the thing that seemed hardest to get.

"What did you wish for?" Clarice nudged my leg with an eager grin.

I rolled my eyes. "I can't tell you or it won't come true."

"Happy birthday you absolute nutter," Megan reached forwards, wrapping her left arm around me. I squeezed her gratefully, not quite sure what a nutter was, but assuming it was something good.

"Here," Clarice placed a wrapped sphere in my lap. "Happy birthday, Evie. It's from Megan and I."

"You know you didn't have to," I sighed with a shake of my head, ripping open the white and gold wrapping paper. Beneath it sat a squishy red ball with an incredibly angry face on the front. I frowned, laughing as I looked up at them both. "Um, thank you?"

Megan giggled. "It's a stress ball. We know that you tend to go a little bit bat-shit crazy sometimes—oops, sorry Miss." Miss Bowen rolled her eyes. "So we thought it might help to calm you down, if that's even possible with you."

Once again I laughed and thanked them both.

"I'll leave your cake here, birthday girl," Miss Bowen said. Megan and Clarice moved onto Megan's bed, talking about going home tomorrow for half term break. "I've got you a little something as well, but I'll have to give it to you later."

I narrowed my eyes with a smirk. "You got me something?"

"Don't go getting excited now, it's only something small. But seeing as you can't be with your family, I figured I didn't want your only present to be a stress ball," she winked, and my stomach fluttered.

"How did you even find out it was my birthday?"

"Your father told me when I phoned him a few weeks back. They rung last night and wanted to speak to you but you'd already gone to sleep, so I told them that you'd call back this afternoon once they've woken up. Your dads said to say thank you for the letter, by the way. It arrived in the mail a few days ago."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Get dressed, it's almost breakfast. Everyone who's going home will be leaving at noon, so you won't have much longer with Megan and Clarice. I'll see you later and you can phone your family, alright?"

I nodded and she placed her hand on my shoulder. Her fingers lingered against my skin for a few moments, her thumb running along it slowly, before she pulled her hand away and stood, heading out of my dormitory.

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