36 | graduation

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"Are you sure I look okay?" Megan questioned for the fourth time that morning, adjusting her pale pink dress in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, and I could tell she was stressed.

With a sigh I took two steps towards her, running my fingers lightly through her silky, strawberry hair that I'd curled for her an hour before. "You look amazing. Now will you relax? You won't even be able to see your dress underneath your gown so I don't know what you're worrying about."

She bit her lip anxiously. "You're right, okay, I'm fine." Megan took a deep breath, stepping backwards and turning to face me. "You look amazing too, by the way." She nodded down at my thigh-length red dress, the v-neck showing my tan collarbones. On my feet were a pair of spaghetti-strap red heels, that I could already tell were going to be an issue to walk in. My chestnut hair fell in loose curls down my shoulder, stopping just above the base of my rib cage.

I grinned to myself in the mirror behind Megan, for once taking pride in my appearance. "I know, I look fucking hot. Now come on, we'd better go. The coach will be here in a minute."

We made our way down to the entrance of St Martha's, where a small crowd of other students stood in pretty dresses and nice shoes. Most people were getting dropped at the Cathedral by their parents, but for those of us who spent the week at school, a coach was coming to collect us.

"Clarice!" I called, spotting her talking to another girl. She waved and finished her conversation before heading over towards us. "Looking lovely," I admired with a grin as she approached in a knee-length white number.

"As do both of you," she gestured to Megan and I. "Oh, that was good timing, the coach is here."

I turned my attention to the school gates, opening to allow entry to the large silver vehicle that, moments later, pulled up beside the school's entrance. We clambered inside one by one, struggling in our heels to climb the steep steps.

"Can you believe it? We've actually made it this far!" Megan breathed as the three of us sat beside one another in the back row.

"Well I can believe it for me and you," Clarice replied. "Although I'm actually genuinely surprised that Evie isn't dead yet."

"What the hell?" I scoffed with a roll of my eyes.

"What?" She retorted. "Come on, if any of us were going to die young it was always definitely going to be you."

Megan nudged her in the arm impatiently. "Well thankfully none of us are dead. But as I was saying, I'm actually very proud of the three of us. It's been pretty bloody difficult getting this far and we've all actually done it. Quite an achievement, I think."

"Oh god, she's going all soppy Clarice," I muttered across Megan, pulling a face.

"Christ, let's pretend we can't hear her," Clarice nodded firmly in response.

"Good plan."

Megan tutted between us. "I don't know why I even bloody bother with you two. You've both got the mental maturity of six year olds."

I grinned. "We're sorry. It was truly a wonderful speech and we will treasure it in our hearts forever and ever. Okay?" Clarice nodded dramatically.

She rolled her eyes with a laugh and a shake of her head. "Bunch of dicks."

Fifteen minutes—and a fair amount of squabbling—later, we'd arrived outside of the cathedral. It was undeniably beautiful, made of old stones and stained glass windows. I wasn't particularly one for monuments or old buildings, but even I couldn't help but smile as I stepped out of the coach and stood before the towering cathedral, looking up in awe.

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