17 | the night together

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"What's put you in such a good mood?" Clarice asked suspiciously as I hummed absentmindedly on my bed.

Megan looked up from her book. "You know who has made a come back."


I tutted with a roll of my eyes. "Christ, she's not Voldemort. And actually, my good mood has nothing to do with her. I'm just happy that it's almost the Christmas holidays," I chirped with a shrug. That was a lie in itself. Miss Bowen's return was absolutely the reason for my heightened happiness this evening. All I'd wanted for the past three weeks was to see her face, and finally, I'd been able to. That wasn't the only lie I'd just told; I wasn't looking forwards to the Christmas break whatsoever. Of course, I was excited to see my family, and I'd always loved Christmas, but the thought of spending another two weeks away from Miss Bowen made my own heart implode in my chest. I hated the vulnerable feeling of missing her, the constant dull aching in the centre of my chest...

"Spare us both the bullshit, Evie," Megan retorted with a grin. "The second you saw that woman you practically had singing doves flying out of your arse."

I sighed with a shake of my head. "Fine, maybe her coming back has improved my mood a little bit—"

"A little bit," Clarice scoffed.

I threw her a glare before continuing with my sentence. "Yes, a little bit, but it's just nice to see her again. We missed Clarice when we went on that field trip to London," I inputted with a shrug.

Megan arched a brow, her eyes meeting mine over the top of her book. "Yes, but we also don't want to have sex with Clarice."

"Oh my—"

"Should I be offended?" Clarice joked.

I rolled my eyes, swinging my legs off my bed and standing up. "I have somewhere to be, so if you idiots don't mind, I'll be seeing you."

"Oh, another late night walk is it?" Megan teased as I headed for the door. "Try to keep it in your pants, Evie."

I heard Clarice giggling and I couldn't help but laugh myself as I made my way out of the room and into the empty corridor. A sudden feeling of déjà vu flooded through me as I knocked on her door, recalling myself in the same position three weeks ago.

"Couldn't stay away for long," Miss Bowen grinned once she'd opened the door, stepping backwards allowing me entrance into her bedroom.

It was already around nine, and the sky on the other side of the window was pitch black. Her room was illuminated by two silver lamps either side of the bed and a small cluster of scented candles on the chest of drawers. In front of one of the lamps on the left of the bedside table was a glass of red wine and a half empty bottle.

I raised my eyebrow. "Celebrating?"

She chuckled quietly, making her way over to the side of the bed and taking a sip from the glass. "Not quite."

"You know it's sort of rude that you haven't offered me a glass."

Miss Bowen rolled her eyes with a grin. "I think that maybe giving alcohol to a student is a little frowned upon."

I smirked, taking a step closer to her so we were just inches apart. I could smell her familiar scent from where I was stood, and I inhaled it like a drug. "Oh come on, Alex, don't you think were a little bit past sticking to rules now?"

She narrowed her eyes, studying my every movement with her intense gaze. I moved closer to Miss Bowen again, reaching my hand out and taking the glass from hers. She didn't stop me, but watched like a hawk, seemingly intrigued. I could tell that she wanted to smirk, but her lips remained relaxed. I lifted the glass to my mouth, taking a long gulp and enjoying the feeling as the alcohol warmed me.

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