19 | going home

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               I hadn't spoken to her in two days, in fact I'd barely laid eyes on her. I'd skipped English and History on Thursday and Friday; I simply couldn't bare to see her. There was no need to put myself through that sort of pain.

On Friday evening I'd packed up most of my belongings into a suitcase and two bags absentmindedly as Megan did the same. Everyone was going home the following morning, aside from the odd few staying over Christmas break. My taxi was coming at nine to take me to the airport for my flight at noon. The thought of seeing my family again should have filled me with excitement, but somehow I couldn't feel anything. I'd become numb, and I couldn't yet tell if that was a good thing for me.

Saturday morning came around and I woke up early to get dressed and pack up the last of my things. Clarice came up to our dorm and sat on my bed as Megan and I rushed around doing everything last minute.

"I can't believe I'm not going to see you both for two weeks," she sighed, placing her hands behind her head as she stretched out comfortably.

"I know," Megan whined, shoving her legs into a pair of grey sweatpants. "I want daily updates from you both, okay?"

"Obviously. Are you excited to go back to Florida Evie?" Clarice asked warmly.

I nodded and plastered a forced smile onto my face. "I can't wait. It'll be nice to not be freezing all of the time."

"You're so lucky, I wish I was going somewhere hot. I'm so pale I practically blend in with the snow." Megan muttered, glancing at her freckled arms before slumping onto her bed and folding her legs. "Hey, how have things been with Miss Bowen? You haven't spoken about her much recently."

I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing to talk about. I've told you before, there's nothing going on. She's made her feelings clear now anyway. I don't want anything to do with her."

"Jesus," Clarice muttered. "You two should just shag already."

"Clarice!" Megan gasped.

"What?" She retorted. "They should. I mean, I know she's your teacher, but you clearly fancy the life out of each other, and all this sexual tension is a bit of a headache."

"There's no sexual tension, Clarice," I replied with another roll of my eyes. "As I said, that ship has sailed. Yeah, maybe I liked her a little, but it was a stupid childish crush. I'm over it, trust me." I watched as Megan eyed Clarice, giving her a look that told me they knew I was lying. "I don't want anyone mentioning her anymore, okay? I mean it, it's done."

"If you say so," Megan pursed her lips.

I threw a sandal at her and it bounced off her shoulder. "Now don't make me throw something heavier."

"Okay, relax," she snickered. "Anyways, I think I'm pretty much done packing now. Time check?"

"Eight forty," Clarice said with a glance at her wristwatch.

"Shit," I muttered, grabbing my shoe from Megan's bed and shoving it into one of my luggage bags. "We'd better get going. Are you sure we've got everything?"

They both nodded. "I think so," Clarice replied, and we all stared at the room which now looked oddly bare without our mess suffocating every surface.

"Right," I clapped my hands together, reaching down and grabbing my bags and suitcase. "Let's go."

We dragged our luggage out of Nightingale wing and out to the entrance of the school, where already a cluster of cars were piling in to pick up pupils.

"I think my parents are here already," Clarice nodded to a silver Mercedes Benz. "I'll see you guys in a few weeks. Have an amazing Christmas. I love you both." She wrapped her arms around us and squeezed as we said our goodbyes and waved her off.

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