26 | detention

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"The bell went like three minutes ago, Harry," I groaned as Harriet pulled her face from mine, looking over her shoulder down the deserted corridor. "It's alright for you, Little Miss free-period, but some of us actually have lessons to go to. Ms. Cook is going to rip my head clean off my shoulders."

"Sorry, I just can't seem to keep away," she winked playfully, giving me one last quick peck on the lips before taking a step back and sauntering down the corridor. "See you later," Harriet called over her shoulder. I didn't have time to reply, and rushed fast-paced down the corridor to science, mentally preparing myself for the next hour of atomic structures and electrons. Physics was certainly a close equivalent to eternal damnation.

"Sorry I'm late," I mumbled as I hurried into Ms. Cook's class, trying to avoid her disapproving look as I took my seat and yanked my books from my bag.

She didn't say anything, but gave a brutal glare as she turned back around to the whiteboard, continuing her diagram of something I didn't understand. Five minutes dragged on by before she eventually finished rambling, and I was snapped from the trance that I'd subconsciously fallen into.

"Right, I want your worksheets on atoms and isotopes out on the desks so I can take them in for marking." Oh God, I had completely forgotten about that.

The past few nights I'd been spending hours on end with Harriet, completely neglecting to do my schoolwork. It wasn't exactly my choice; she seemed to love spending time with me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed her company too, she was my girlfriend after all, but sometimes it seemed a little much. I wanted to tell her, but I was afraid of hurting her feelings. Harriet was one of the loveliest people I'd ever met in my entire life, and to hurt her, even the smallest bit, seemed horribly unfair. Instead, I preferred to go along with what she wanted. Making her happy seemed to make me happy too. 'Happy wife, happy life', and all that...

I cursed beneath my breath as Ms. Cook began collecting the papers from around the room, and try as I might to find an excuse, my mind appeared to have gone blank. When she reached my desk, I sighed, deciding it was best not to bother lying. "Where is it?" she asked, and her tone was already irritated with me. Ms. Cook had never particularly liked me, but normally she managed to tolerate me. Today though, her eyes seemed just that bit more steely as they bored into me.

I pursed my lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't manage to get it done in time."

She didn't look surprised, but a very loud sigh escaped her lips. "See me after class, Evelyn."

I refrained from rolling my eyes, and simply nodded stiffly as she walked away. For the remainder of the lesson, I counted down the minutes, desperate to leave this room. I knew though that first I would have to undergo a lecture with the dragon herself, and that was not something I was looking forward to.

When the bell eventually rung, I grabbed my things and waited in my seat until the class had cleared. Then, I stood and made my way to the front, jaw clenched so as not to say anything rude or witty that would piss her off even more.

"Sit," she barked coldly, and I slumped into the seat opposite her desk, still biting my tongue. "Evelyn, what is going on with you?"

I stared at her blankly. "I'm afraid I don't understand the question, Ms. Cook. Could you rephrase?" I immediately regretted my response, knowing she would think I was being sarky. In all fairness, I sort of accidentally was. It was a natural reaction for me, an instinct, if you will.

Her eyes flickered up to mine, but the expression didn't change. "Don't be witty, Evelyn, it doesn't suit you," she deadpanned. "You walk in late to my lesson, you sit there daydreaming for an hour, you don't complete my homework, and then you have the cheek to try and be funny."

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