11 | the silent treatment

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                "You have no idea how glad I am to have you back," I said with closed eyes as I tightened my grip around Megan.

"Christ, even my dog doesn't get this happy to see me. What's gotten into you since last week?" She asked with a giggle, letting me go and lifting her suitcase onto her bed.

I laughed, but didn't respond verbally. She had no idea just how incredibly fucked up my life had gotten since she left last week. I hadn't spoken with Miss Bowen since I stormed out of my dorm that night after the kiss. I'd seen her a handful of times, in the dining hall or walking down a corridor, but I wanted absolutely nothing to do with her at the moment. She didn't seem to interested in speaking with me, either.

I wasn't sure what I'd do tomorrow when classes started up again. I had considered requesting a transfer, but I just couldn't bear to do it.

Over dinner, I chatted with Clarice and Megan, being sure to sound interested in what they did over the half term break. Though the topic wasn't particularly engaging, it was nice to be able to talk to them again. The loneliness I'd felt over the course of last week had been almost too much to bear, and I very nearly packed up my bags and booked the next flight out of this fucking place.

"What did you do last week, Evie?" Clarice asked, moving pasta across her plate with a fork.

I smiled half-heartedly. "Oh, nothing really. Almost went insane, though. This place is actually really bloody boring, in case you hadn't already gathered."

Megan grinned. "Well we're back now. And to cheer you up, I've got some amazing news for you."

I arched an eyebrow, taking a sip of my water and placing it back onto the table. "Why do I get the feeling that this news is going to be very anticlimactic?"

She rolled her eyes. "The Halloween dance is next Friday. Isn't that brilliant? We're allowed to have Wednesday afternoon off to go into town and get some outfits. Are you coming, by the way, or are you still kept imprisoned at the weekends?"

I shook my head. "Mrs. Finchley said my grades are improving so I can stop the extra tutoring for now and I'm officially being unshackled."

Megan squealed. "That's great. What are you going to dress up as?"

"I'm not," I shrugged.

"What do you mean you're not?" Clarice asked. "It's fancy dress, Evie."

"I don't think I'm going to go. I already told you that dances aren't my thing. Don't get me wrong, I love a party, but I don't exactly think that one held in the school hall is going to be very wild. And plus, I don't really feel like going."

"Don't be bloody stupid, of course you're coming. Listen, we all know that school parties are probably always going to be a bit shit, but that doesn't mean we can't have a good time. And anyway, Clarice and I have been working our arses off on the committee trying to get everything sorted, so regardless of whether you feel like celebrating or not, you're coming, and that's final."

I sighed. "Jesus, fine. I'll come, but if it's awful then I'm going straight back to the dorms."

Megan wrapped her arms around me from across the table.

"Calm down," I giggled, pushing her gently off of me. "You're going to get your shirt covered in pasta sauce."

The rest of the evening panned out as expected; Clarice stayed in mine and Megan's room until lights out, and they both talked endlessly as per usual. I tried my hardest to listen, but my mind was elsewhere.

I woke up the next morning, not to my alarm, but to the sound of rain battering against the windows. I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes groggily. It was six twenty-three. I'd woken up forty minutes early, but I didn't feel tired enough to go back to sleep. Instead, I slid out of bed and headed for the showers. By seven fifteen, I was washed, dressed in my uniform, and ready to go. I sat on the bed, putting my books into my bag as I waited for Megan to get ready. My heart was drumming in my chest rather irritatingly, and I realised I was nervous to have to sit in Miss Bowen's class again. I had English first thing, and I was dreading every second of it.

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