24 | the morning after

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Oh, fuck.

As I groggily opened my eyes, snapshots of the previous evening flashed in my mind. A few too many drinks, a kiss with Harriet, and worst of all, the look on Alex's face when she'd seen us. Oh fuck, indeed.

"Morning," I heard Megan's voice beside me, and raised my head slightly from my pillow to see her in the same position beneath her covers. She didn't look great, but she hadn't drunk nearly as much as I had, so I dreaded to think about the state of my own appearance. "Someone had fun last night."

I groaned. "I think I left my dignity behind in one of those plastic cups. Did Harriet tell you that Miss Bowen had to put me to bed?"

"Sure did. She came down in a bit of a panic actually because apparently you'd kissed her in front of Miss Bowen and then she realised you'd both been drinking or something. We had to clear the common room up pretty quick, not that she'd have ratted you out, anyway." I rolled my eyes at her snide comment. "I kind of figured that you'd end up kissing her, but maybe not quite so soon. And in front of you know who, that's got to hurt," she cringed, and so did I.

A loud groan escaped my lips and I placed once hand at the bottom of my forehead, covering my eyes. "Please God, do not remind me."

"Do you regret it?"

I bit my lip with a shrug of my shoulders. "Yes, no, I don't know. I think a part of me was just a little grateful at someone finally wanting me. Jesus, I am a piece of shit."

Megan sighed. "I'd say that you're not but I kind of agree."

"Great, thank you so much for the support, Meg."

"Anytime," she replied with a grin. "But in all seriousness, what are you going to do?"

I pursed my lips. "I don't know. I like Harriet, but it's early days, and I'm definitely not over Miss Bowen, obviously. But do I tell Harry that last night was a mistake, or do I just act like it never happened?"

"Maybe neither," Megan suggested, propping herself up onto her elbow to see me properly. "Why don't you just say to her that you had a nice time but you were very drunk and you just want to take things slowly from now on."

I thought about her words for a few moments. That was the only half decent suggestion I'd gotten so far, so with a small nod, I agreed.

"Come on then, we'd better head down for breakfast before all the good food gets taken." She swung her legs out of bed and quickly changed into a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a loose hoodie. "Are you coming, or are you going to lay in bed wallowing in your bad decisions for the rest of the day?"

I groaned. "Go ahead without me, I need a few minutes to conjure enough willpower to get out of my pyjamas."

Megan headed out, leaving me in silence with nothing but my thoughts, which seemed to be heightening my anxiety with each passing second. "Why do you always fuck things up, Evie?" I mentally scolded myself.

After another few minutes I hauled my weak body out of bed and into an oversized sweater and a pair of leggings. I pulled my unbrushed hair into a messy bun and dragged myself out of my bedroom.

"Shit," I said reflexively as I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Alex, looking perfect and pristine, and immediately felt conscious of what a state I looked. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"Don't worry," she nodded with pursed lips. She didn't look in the mood to chat.

After a few moments, I gathered some vague idea of what to say and blurred out the words. "Listen, I'm sorry again for—"

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