44 | unwanted attention

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"So what are you doing after work?" Patrick asked, folding his arms cooly and leaning against the wall as I knelt on the floor, helping Lucy to tie the shoelaces of her sparkly, hot-pink sneakers.

I glanced up at Patrick fleetingly before moving my gaze back down the floor. Ugh, he was really beginning to get on my last nerve. I felt guilty for saying it, considering his wife had died and he was left as a single father of a sick child with probably very few friends, but to but it bluntly, Patrick was annoying and incredibly pushy. "Just meeting a few friends for a drink," I stated, and for once it wasn't an excuse. I'd agreed to meet with Megan and Clarice at five in a bar nearby, and I was actually very much looking forward to it.

"Cool, cool," Patrick said nodding. "Anywhere I'd know?"

With my head ducked, I was safe to roll my eyes at his incessancy. He was trying to get an invite, and that certainly wasn't happening. "Probably. It's not too far from here." I was trying my hardest to give as few details as possible so he didn't work it out and tag along. "So now Lucy, after you've made the bunny ears you just tuck one under and pull this tight, okay?" I showed her slowly, hoping Patrick would get bored of watching and go and do something else. But of course, he didn't.

"It's a shame, I was thinking me and you could've gone out tonight."

"That's it, straight through like that. And make sure it's tight enough so your shoes don't fall off," I said to Lucy, trying to drown out Patrick from the right of me. With a sigh, I looked up at him. "Yeah, shame."

"Maybe later on in the week then?"

Jesus Christ, even a blind man could see that I wasn't interested in going out with Patrick.

"I think I have plans for the rest of the week actually. Sorry," I mumbled, helping Lucy up from the floor and pulling her coat down off the hook by the door. I was saved by her social worker turning up to collect her, and ignored Patrick's presence as best I could whilst I said goodbye.

The day had finally finished, but I still had another forty minutes of clearing up to do, in which I knew Patrick would try and engage in useless conversation with me. I hurried away into the art room, hoping he wouldn't follow me. Luckily he was intercepted by Mel, who asked for his help in tidying the reading room upstairs. I breathed a sigh of relief, washing out paint pots and hanging up wet posters to dry on the line.

At quarter to five I was finished, and made my way to the kitchen, pulling on my coat and picking up my purse and keys. I said goodbye to Mel and Natasha, making a run for it so as to avoid Patrick. Lord knows he'd rope me into endless conversation if he spotted me, and I wasn't in the mood for it at all.

I arrived at the pub downtown ten minutes later, parked, and headed inside. I spotted Megan and Clarice immediately, sat at a booth with burgundy leather seats and chatting incessantly. I slid in opposite with a grin. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Ah, just the person!" Clarice clapped her hands together as I shuffled to get comfortable opposite her. "Listen, I asked for Megan's opinion but I don't trust her because she's shit with advice—"

"Hey!" Megan whined beside her.

Clarice rolled her eyes, continuing. "Whatever. Listen, I was thinking of maybe asking Danny if he wants to meet my parents soon. I know we're not like official or anything, but I don't know, I really like him and I think maybe it could work? What do you think, too soon?"

What was it with everyone asking me for boy advice recently? Had they all forgotten that I was a fully-fledged lesbian and didn't have a whole lot of experience in the male dating field?

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