10 | the beach

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                 On Sunday, I'd had another tutoring session with Miss Bowen in the library. Once she'd gone I stayed for another hour and a half to catch up on all my work. I know, I was shocked at myself as well. Honestly, we'd only been on half term break for a day and I was already bored out of my mind.

I woke up on Monday with similarly low expectations of how the day would go. I didn't have anymore work to complete, and doing anymore studying sounded about as inviting as jumping headfirst into a wood chipper.

For half an hour I moped around my room, not quite sure what to do with myself, before heading to the showers and sighing as I stepped into the cubicle, turning the squeaky faucet and allowing the hot water to beat against my back. The steamy sensation felt good on my skin, but I knew I couldn't stay in here forever. Soon enough, the water would run cold, and the shower wouldn't be so enjoyable anymore. Maybe that would be what happened with Miss Bowen and I; perhaps one day I would wake up and the feelings would have gone; I would be released from this prison of emotion. Perhaps.

I headed back down the corridor to my dormitory idly, the towel wrapped around my body under my arms. I hadn't bothered to bring my clothes to the showers today; it was too much effort trying to keep them from falling onto the soaking floors, and plus, this wing was mostly empty now.

As I neared my door I noticed the one allowing entry to our corridor opened, and Miss Bowen slid through the gap, her eyes flitting up my body hastily before meeting mine. "Evie? You missed breakfast."

I shrugged. "Not hungry."

She sighed. "Are you okay?"

Another shrug. "Just a little homesick. Knowing everyone else is with their family right now and I'm stuck here is kind of shitty." She didn't tell me to mind my language, like she usually did when I cursed in front of her.

Miss Bowen seemed to be in thought for a few moments before she spoke again. "Okay, get dressed into something warm. I'll meet you back out by the parking lot in thirty minutes, alright? Don't keep me waiting," she warned, turning around and heading into her own bedroom.

I frowned confusedly, but followed her orders. I hastily dried my hair, did my makeup and dressed in a pair of grey jeans and a thick black sweater. I put a leather jacket on over the top and shoved my feet into a pair of socks and black trainers. At ten, I headed out of the school building and into the parking lot, noticing Miss Bowen's car immediately. She was sat inside it, and smiled widely as soon as she saw me.

"I can't believe I have to be seen in this thing," I remarked teasingly and she slapped my arm playfully with the back of her hand.

"One more comment about my baby and you're going straight back inside, got it?"

"Got it," I chuckled. "So where are you dragging me today then?"

"We're going to the beach," she replied indifferently.

"To the beach?" I questioned. "It's the middle of fall and it's damn near freezing out."

She rolled her eyes, starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. "It's not freezing at all. It's not exactly warm, but for October in England, it's actually really not that bad. You could probably get away with not wearing a coat."

I sighed. "So why are you dragging me on this little excursion? Isn't there anything else you'd rather be doing that taking a student on a field trip?"

"Not really," she smirked. "And anyway, I thought you needed a little cheering up."

I bit my lip with a smile. "Thanks. Hey, now we're not in school, am I allowed to call you Alex?"

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