42 | patrick

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                Delilah was back to her usual self on Monday, mutely playing by herself and refusing to join in on any of the group activities. If that wasn't bad enough, Milo had the mother of all tantrums after I told him that he had to share his dumpster truck with Max, and so stood up and smacked him in the face with it. By the time the kids had gone home, my patience was officially wearing thin.

"You need any help with those?" Patrick's voice came from behind me as I hung up wet paintings on the string line to dry.

"No thanks, I've got it," I said with a small smile.

Patrick made his way further into the room and stood beside me, his hands in the pockets of his charcoal jeans. "Listen, did you want to grab a coffee or something before you go home? I know a really great café just down the road, if you fancy it?"

I lifted my hand to tuck my hair behind my ear awkwardly, unsure of how to let him down politely. Was there any easy way to tell a man you were gay? "Patrick, you're a really great guy but I think we should probably keep this professional—"

"Evie," he held his hand up, interrupting me. "I'm not asking you on a date, I'm just suggesting we go for coffee. As friends."

I chewed on the insides of my cheeks uncertainly. Admittedly, there was plenty of things I'd rather be doing that spending the first part of my evening drinking coffee with Patrick, but I definitely didn't want to start making enemies for myself. He was my colleague, maybe he could even be a friend? I definitely didn't want to come across as that rude American bitch who didn't have time for anyone else. "Sure," I finally agreed. "Let me finish hanging these and then we'll go."

His face brightened as he nodded, placing his hand on my elbow. "Great, see you in a minute." His fingers lingered on my skin for a few moments before letting go, and it almost made me shudder. There was something about his presence that gave me the creeps, and as he sauntered out the room, I was left feeling bitter at myself for yet again agreeing to plans that I had no desire to attend.

When had I turned into such a pushover?

After hanging up the last of the paintings and grabbing my things from the kitchen, I met Patrick in the hallway, tapping away at lightening speed on his iPhone. "Just a friend of mine," he said, gesturing to his phone as he slid it into his pocket. I wasn't entirely sure why he had felt the need to tell me that, but I let it go regardless. "Let's get going, shall we?"

I nodded, following him out the door. "Are we driving there?"

"Nah, it's just a five minute walk," he replied breezily as we stepped outside into the cool evening air. "So tell me about yourself, Evie. I feel like I know nothing about you."

I laughed quietly. "I'm really not that interesting."

Patrick turned his head to look at me as we strolled side by side on the sidewalk. "I doubt that."

"Right," I muttered under my breath. "Well I was born in Florida and lived there pretty much all my life. Went to boarding school here three years ago. Used to work as an editor for a small time company, decided I wanted a change and found this job out here. As I said, not very interesting," I shrugged.

"Do your family live here too?"

I shook my head. "No they're still in Florida."

"Do you miss them?"

I shrugged again. "Of course, but I'm also liking being alone. It's nice having a bit of freedom for the first time ever."

Patrick looked deep in thought when I glanced at his face, and he didn't speak again for a few moments. "It's not always nice to be alone. I lost my wife a few months ago. We were together for five years. It's just me now..."

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