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My guts were twisting uncomfortably as I sat on the silky green sheets of the bed.

I'd been led into the room and left alone without another word.

My face felt sticky from the make-up they had coated it in, the feeling was unpleasant and I had to resist the urge to wipe it all off.

I never cared for make-up as it always felt unnecessary and time consuming unless it was for a job, it wasn't anything I cared about if others did choose to wear it, but it really wasn't my kind of thing and to be forced into wearing it was making me uncomfortable.

Never before had I had to wear the amount that they'd caked on me, it was to the point where I barely recognized my own reflection.

My leg bounced as my nerves set in, making the heel of the strap sandal they'd forced me into click on the floor.

Time seemed to drag on and this made everything worse.

The too short, green silk Asgardian robe they had put me in wasn't doing much at keeping me warm in this strangely chilled room and my chest felt gooey from the salve they had put on it.

"Something just to give you a little more to play with," she had said, quite rudely in my opinion.

I wasn't particularly flat chested to begin with, sure it was nothing to write home about to, my gift was in my hips, but there was no need for them to magic up my bust size when all they needed was my womb.

Which was now highly pregnable thanks to the fruity flavoured fertility potion they have given me.

Come to think of it, the potion may have also been adding to my bounciness and fluttering stomach, as barely minutes after taking it I felt the all too familiar need to be touched, caressed and brought to a high.

I was ready to go and the Prince wasn't anywhere to be seen.

The black sash around my waist was synched so tight that I wasn't entirely sure I'd be able to breath in ten minutes time.

"It'll bring out those lovely curves of yours."

Avena's voice kept echoing these ridiculous statements in my mind and I was beginning to grow tired of it.

Over the years, I had heard many things about Prince Loki, too rarely was it ever anything nice, but there was something disappointing about knowing that he was shallow.

In hindsight it wasn't a surprise, both him and his brother, Thor, were in the position to be shallow, but it was still disappointing to have suspicions confirmed.

Letting out a long sigh, I stood up from the bed and paced the room with hands on my hips and slow steps as heels, especially at the height of the ones I was wearing, were not part of my everyday attire and thus proved kind of difficult to walk in.

More agonizing minutes passed and I was beginning to lose my cool, the potion they had given me was driving me up the wall and the friction of my thighs rubbing together as I walked only made the sensations worse.

Patience was wearing thin and nerves were starting to win over need of money.

My heart jumped into my throat as the door opened behind me and the sound of boots scuffing along the floor filled the silence, followed promptly by the door clicking shut and a thoughtful hum.

"My, what a surprise we have here."

I pivoted around to face him, trying to save face as I stumbled a little in the heels.

"My Prince," I bowed, though I suddenly became away of how low the robe crossed at the front as my enhanced chest nearly spilled out.

Standing up straight, I held the fabric closed and gave him a wary smile, now fretting that there was lipstick covering my lips.

Loki's eyes roamed over me and he looked completely disinterested.

Up close I had to admit, he was a very handsome man, better looking in person than any of the portraits I had seen of him over the years.

His skin was pale, but not sickly like they tended to depict, if anything I would say it was more like carved marble that was accentuated in the best possible way by his long, dark hair.

Unlike the typical beady and rat-like eyes artists drew him with, he regarded me with eyes that were admittedly full of mischief but were otherwise a gorgeously strange mixture of blue and green.

It was no surprise that he was built like a God too, not muscle bound like Thor but still tall, lithe and fit.

All in all, his entire presence was overbearing and intimidating and I wanted him like I'd never lusted after someone before.

"And who might you be?" He asked, a thin eyebrow slowly rising.

"I was hired by your wife to-"

"Oh, I see, you're the surprise she's been giddy about as of late."

"I would guess so."

"Of course, she can't even stomach to touch me on my own birthday and resorted to such desperate attempts."

I shifted awkwardly, letting out a faint laugh of nervousness.

"Well, I more got the impression that she didn't want to bare your child."

Loki's eyes widened and his eyebrow rose in surprise, the shock going completely unhidden on his face until he recovered.

"A child?"

"Yes, my prince," I bowed again, "I am here to sire you and your wife an heir."

He didn't take long to recover from his shock, instead he shifted to almost disgust as he rolled his eyes and sneered.

"Naturally, she did say that she would give me a gift unlike any other I've had before, I didn't think it would be the half-child of a harlot because she couldn't stomach carrying my genes."

"Um, I'm still not sure if that's the reason behind it," I mumbled, my awkwardness growing, "and I'm no harlot, I've never done this before."

"You're a virgin?"

There was a disturbing aura of a predatory nature behind his smirk and it sent shivers running down my spine, or that could have been how much colder the room had gotten since he'd stepped in.

"I am, my prince."

"Please," he scoffed and waved his hand, "call me Loki, if we're going to get carnal then I don't want it to be formal."

"So we are seriously going through with it?"

"We are," he chuckled, "though I'm surprised Avena would set this up, she is prone to jealousy."

"Is that so?" I paused, chewing on my lip and getting a mouthful of the taste of lipstick, "then perhaps we can work around this? Sweeten the deal and we can call it off."

Loki stared at me before laughing, shaking his head as if I had just said that most ridiculous thing he had ever heard.

"You must be jesting, this is a chance to get under her skin and I would never pass that up."

He stepped closer, the thudding of his boots against the floor sounded foreboding and added this terrible finality into the situation.

"Now," he smirked, cupping my chin between his cold fingers once he was close enough to loom over me, "shall we get started?"

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